Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)


The Poa bulbosa L. Reproductive Strategy in the Steppe Phytocenoses of the Lower Volga Region

Poa bulbosa L. is a native cereal of the European and Mediterranean flora and an invasive species in North America. The study of its reproductive strategy in different environmental and climatic conditions is important for the development of effective methods of containment and prevention of invasions. Plants of two coenopopulations were investigated embryologically. In addition, the morphology of reproductive organs was analyzed in 175 herbarium specimens collected in the flora of the Lower Volga region from 1919 to 2017.

Dependence of Taxonomic Flora Parameters on Sample Sizes

The problem of assessing the completeness of the identification of flora is a very significant element of study. The approach proposed in this work is based on an assessment of the complex of parameters of the taxonomic spectra of flora (generic and family). As a model object, the authors considered the flora of the Soksky physical-geographical region, located in the Trans-Volga sector of the Samara region. To solve this problem, the authors used 124 source floristic lists and their combinations (over 400).

Biological Features of Gladiolus hybridus in Connection with the Adaptation of the Siberian Region

The adaptive possibilities of the varietal diversity of Gladiolus hybridus in the forest-steppe zone of Western Siberia are analyzed. Morphobiological features of shoot formation are shown. Long-term (1999–2019) results of seasonal development of plants in generative age state are presented. The specificity of the terms of flowering varies from different groups of the sum of positive temperatures. Flowering in Novosibirsk occurs in early varieties with the sum of positive temperatures >1462° C, medium >1558° C, late >1711° C.

Morphobiology and assessment of the introduction possibilities of Leonurus cardiaca L.

The data on the study of morphometric parameters of one of the most valuable medicinal plants – Leonurus cardiaca L., growing in the collection site of medicinal plants of the Botanical garden of the OSU are presented. The parameters of samples, obtained from the cities of Samara and Kazan were compared . All the studied plants have passed the full cycle of their development with the formation of viable seeds.

Phytochemical composition in the vegetative organs of Hemerocallis hybrida hort. ex Bergmans (Hemerocallidaceae)

The article presents the results of the study of raw materials (sugar, starch) and biologically active substances (pectin substances, catechins, saponins, flavonols, ascorbic acid) in the leaves and rhizomes of Hemerocallis hybrida plants of the Speak to me variety during seasonal development during 2013–2015. The quantitative content of the main groups of substances in underground and aboveground organs during vegetation, flowering and fruiting was determined.

Special features of fruiting in some Clematis L. cultivars from the collection of the Nikita Botanical Gardens

The article presents the results of studying the fruiting in 9 clematis cultivars under the conditions of the southern coast of Crimea. Morphometric characteristics of seeds, their weight and germination capacity are given. Potential and real seed production was assessed. It was found that the studied cultivars are characterized with high potential seed production, on average from 38.1 to 116.9 ovules per fruit, but relatively low real seed production, on average from 1.3 to 8.3 seeds per fruit.

Impact of environmental conditions on the vitality structure of the cenopopulations of the dominant tree tier in the forests of the southern part of the Volga Upland

The vitality structure of cenopulations of woody plants is formed under the influence of ecological, cenotic and anthropogenic influences. The study of the nature and degree of influence of the ecological parameters of the habitat will make it possible to predict the formation of the vitality structure of woody plants. The objects of study are individuals of the generative age state of three species of woody plants: Quercus robur, Tilia cordata, Acer platanoides. Environmental conditions of habitat were assessed by using range ecological scales.

Photocatalytic effect of led radiation (405 nm) and new Al2O3 3D-nanocomposites on the growth of Staphylococcus aureus

The progressive growth of bacterial resistance to antibiotic drugs requires the creation of highly efficient nanomaterials. Aluminum oxide is a stable non-toxic semiconductor material; however, the photocatalytic properties of its modifications in relation to microorganisms are not well understood. In this study, we used new 3D composites of aluminum oxyhydroxide (Al2O3 ? nH2O) in three modifications (?, ? and ?), which are a mesh of 150 nm nanofibrils.

Additions to the «Flora...» by P. F. Maevsky (2014) for the Penza Region

 Records of 94 vascular plant species from the Penza Region published before 2013 are missing from the 11th edition of the «Flora of the Central Part of European Russia» by P. F. Mayevsky (2014). An additional 22 species were discovered in the region recently. At least 29 species known in the Penza Region are completely missing from the «Flora…» – Stellaria subulata Boeber ex D. F. K.

The use of games as a method in teaching the basics of chemical toxicology as part of the ecological education of schoolchildren

In today’s modern technogenic world, forming an ecological consciousness, perception and thinking among schoolchildren is a vital task. Knowledge of chemical toxicology is essential for students of all ages to help protect and maintain a healthy environment. Given that toxicology is characterized by an increased level of complexity, the purpose of this work was to develop and apply gaming methods in teaching the basics of chemical toxicology as part of environmental education of schoolchildren.
