Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Chemistry. Biology. Ecology

ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)

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Construction of Consciousness and Implementation of Seed Productivity of Various Varieties of Branch Onion (Allium ramosum L., Amaryllidaceae Jaume St.-Hil.) in the Conditions of the Moscow Region

Ivanova Maria I., All-Russian research Institute of vegetable growing
Bukharov Alexsandr F., All-Russian research Institute of vegetable growing
Kashleva Anna I., All-Russian research Institute of vegetable growing

Allium ramosum L. – type species of the subgenus Butomissa (Salisb.), Section Butomissa. The species has a fairly high seed productivity, which varies widely. This article presents the results of a study of seed productivity under the conditions of artificial phytocenosis of the Moscow Region in four commercial varieties of A. ramosum. In alluvial meadow soils, fruit setability was 88.9–95.8%, real seed productivity was fixed at 3.5–18.5 g/plant, 1000 seeds weight was 4.2–5.9 g. Average insemination was noted 3, 0–5.9 pieces/fruit. The high reproductive potential under experimental conditions indicates the possibility of seed production of the studied commercial varieties. The Chinese garlic variety has the maximum real seed productivity (18.5 g/plant), while the seed productivity sales rate was 80.4%.


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