Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)


The adaptive potential of durum wheat varieties of Saratov breeding in the conditions of the Lower Volga region

The objects of the study were plants of 14 varieties of durum wheat Triticum durum Desf. A structural analysis of the productivity elements of plants cultivated in the fi eld in 2020, 2021 and 2023 was carried out. The varietal features of the formation of productivity elements of durum wheat varieties of Saratov breeding in diff erent meteorological conditions are revealed. Based on the peculiarities of the formation of the main elements of ear productivity, varieties with a balanced type of morphogenetic systems have been identifi ed.

The variety of shapes perianth leafl et of Colchicum laetum L., C. ancyrense B. L. Burtt and C. bulbocodium var. versicolor (Ker Gawl.) K. Perss

The objects of the study were C. laetum L., C. ancyrense B. L. Burtt and C. bulbocodium var. versicolor (Ker Gawl.) K. Pers. The variability of the shape of the bends of the sepals was studied by geometric morphometry. In each of the 30 populations located on the territory of European Russia, 30 samples were examined. To visualize the initial data, principal component analysis (PCA) was used to identify patterns of variability in the shape of the bends of the perianth leafl ets. Only C. bulbocodium subsp. are relatively well separated from each other on this basis.

Features of development of generative structures of some fl owering plants

The paper presents the results of a comparative study of the reproductive biology of a number of Crimean fl ora species and valuable plants introduced to the south of Russia belonging to various families (Magnoliaceae, Annonaceae, Ericaceae, Campanulaceae, Anacardiaceae, Lamiaceae, Ranunculaceae, Davidiaceae, Nyssaceae, Onagraceae, Papaveraceae), which made it possible to establish some features and regularities in the formation of the generative structures of the reproductive system, consisting in the conjugation of the development of male and female elements, the matu

Видовой состав макрозообентоса водоемов национального парка «Хвалынский» (Саратовская область, Россия)

В составе макрозообентоса водоёмов охраняемой и рекреационной зон Национального парка «Хвалынский» был отмечен 77 таксонов гидробионтов: олигохет – 3, пиявок – 3, двустворчатых моллюсков – 2, брюхоногих моллюсков – 7, ракообразных – 2, водяных клещей – 1, личинок веснянок – 1, личинок поденок – 4, личинки стрекоз – 7, личинок жесткокрылых – 4, личинок полужесткокрылых – 2, личинок чешуекрылых – 1, личинок горбаток – 1, личинок большекрылых – 1, личинок комаров-звонцов – 29, личинки перистоусых комаров – 1, личинок болотниц – 1, личинок львинок – 1, личинок бабочниц – 1,

Эктацитометрия: Определение характеристик эритроцитов жителей ХМАО-Югры на фоне употребления природного цеолита

Исследовано влияние диеты, содержащей природный цеолит (клиноптилолит) на деформируемость красных клеток крови добровольцев обоих полов, широкого возрастного диапозона, проживающих в ХМАО-Югре (г. Ханты-Мансийск). Способность эритроцитов к упругой деформации исследовалась с помощью метода лазерной дифрактометрии, заключающегося в получении дифракционной картины от тонкого слоя суспензии эритроцитов, находящейся в сдвиговом потоке, и последующей цифровой обработки распределения интенсивности дифрагированного поля.

Optimization of phage display technology for obtaining antibodies specific to tetracycline

Large-scale production and use of antimicrobials in human, veterinary and agricultural applications has led to antibiotic contamination of water resources. Therefore, it is relevant to develop methods for monitoring the content of antibiotics, especially in water resources. Biosensor methods are successful for the analysis of antibiotics. One of the main elements of a biosensor system is the selection of a recognition element.

Dynamics of formation of tolerance to blue (405 nm) led radiation in Staphylococcus aureus upon repeated exposure

In this work, we studied the development of tolerance to low-intensity violet (405 nm, 80 mW/cm2 , 72 J/cm2 ) LED radiation in a clinical antibiotic-resistant strain of Staphylococcus aureus 2a. The change in numbers during 20 cycles of irradiation was studied, the reaction of bacterial cells to oxidative stress was studied – sensitivity to the presence of hydrogen peroxide in the environment and catalase activity.

Formation of Langmuir monolayers from native phospholipids of bacteria of various systematic groups

Phospholipids are the most important structural elements of the bacterial cell wall, participate in the adaptation of microorganisms to the environment and can act as biomarkers for environmental changes and one of the components of environmental monitoring. Native phospholipids are used to form models of cell membranes, the biophysical properties of which can be studied by the Langmuir-Blodgett method.
