Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)


Impact of the Predator on Quality Indicators Grain of Soft Wheat

The aim of this study was to identify the effect of precursor (vapor, winter wheat) on the non-traditional selective grain quality parameter intensity of spring common wheat. The parameters include dough development time, dough stability, energy absorbed by dough while kneading and starch retrogradation coefficient. The data have been obtained using a Mixolab device.

Modern Cadastre of Species of Tularemia Microbe Carriers Habitant in Tularemia Foci of Different Types, Situated in the Territory of Russia

The tularemia microbe can be found in all landscape zones of the Northern hemisphere, and in the Russian Federation this infection has been detected in virtually all regions. It spreads beyond the polar circle up to the 71° parallel. From 100 to 400 cases of tularemia infection are registered in the Russian Federation annually, 75% of which are accounted for the Northern, Central and Siberian territories of the country. From time to time epidemic morbidity rates are reported. Presently, six types of natural tularemia foci are established in Russia.

Current Status of the Collection Fund of the Laboratory of Ornamental Plants of the Russian Academy of Sciences

The Collection Fund of the Laboratory of Ornamental Plants of the Main Botanical Garden named after N. V. Tsitsin of the Russian Academy of Sciences has currently 1055 species and varieties, as well as 4 995 varieties and garden forms. It was created on the basis of classical methods of introduction, such as (ecology)-geographical, phytocoenotic and the method of generic complexes. At the same time, the modern policy of forming the collection fund is aimed at creating not only large but also unique collections.

Study of the Morphological Features of the Cells of the Bacteria Yersinia pestis, Grown at Different Temperatures by Atomic Force Microscopy

Atomic force microscopy in the study of bacterial cells allows the determination of such morphological parameters as: length, width, cell thickness, its perimeter, cross-sectional area, volume and root mean square roughness of the cell surface, which depends on the degree of laying of peptidoglycan and density of lipopolysaccharide. The aim of this work was to study the changes in the morphological parameters of the cell and the cell surface of bacteria when the temperature conditions of the culture medium change on the Y. pestis model.

Influence of Probiotic “Bifidumbacterin” on the State of Large Intestine Microbiocenosis, Activity of the Antioxidant System and Processes of Lipid Peroxidation in the Conditions of Gentamycin-Associated Dysbiosis and Anomalous Characteristics of the Magn

Disturbances in the composition of microbiocenoses are warnings of changes in the physiological status of the organism, associated with the inhibition of immunobiological protection of the organism, its allergization, chronic intoxication, and increased susceptibility to infectious diseases. Some studies confirm the effect of magnetic radiation on abnormal characteristics both on the viability and growth rate of bacteria, and on the activity of various systems, in particular the antioxidant system and the lipid peroxidation system.

Genetic Polymorphism in Populations of Hieracium ? robustum (Asteraceae) as Result of the Hallabrottet Aulacidea hieracii (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) Influence

Based on Inter Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSR), we examined polymorphism in populations of Hieracium ? robustum (Asteraceae) – the host of gall-making Aulacidea hieracii (Hymenoptera, Cynipidae). In each population, we studied H. ? robustum specimens with and without stem galls induced by gall wasps. It was revealed that individual gallfree plants have half as much ISSR fragments as plants contaminated by galls. In agarose gel, ISSR fragments of the former have clear-cut patterns while patterns of gall-contaminated plants are shapeless.

Ontogenetic Structure and Population Status of the Relict Species of Hedysarum gmelinii Ledeb. in the Cis-Urals Republic of Bashkortostan

The results of studying the ontogenetic structure of coenopopulations of the relict species Hedysarum gmelinii Ledeb. in the Bashkortostan of Republic are presented. The investigated cenopopulations growing on slopes of different exposure, with a slope of 35°, is the main type of vegetation – Helictotrichon desertorum–Stipa korshinskyi petrophyte steppe, anthropogenic load is low or medium. The overall density of the coenopopulations of H. gmelinii varies from 1,7 to 12,2 ind./m2, an effective density from 1,5 to 4,6 ind./m2.

Assessment of the Impact of the Nanoparticles of Silver Stabilized by Polymeric Compounds on Survival of Strains of Staphylococcus aureus

The antimicrobial activity of the nanoparticles of silver stabilized by various natural and synthetic polymeric compounds concerning reference and clinical strains of Staphylococcus aureus is studied. It is established that the greatest effectiveness was displayed by the silver nanoparticles stabilized by polyvinyl alcohol, carboxymethylcellulose and poliazolidinammonium, the modified iodine hydrate ions. The low sensitivity of the studied strains to action of the nanoparticles stabilized by an oleate of S.

Some Features of Growth of Etiolated Plants in the Aspect of Implementation of Donor-Acceptor Relations

The object of the study was sprouts of spring soft wheat Triticum aestivum L. Cultivation was carried out in a climatic chamber at a temperature of 18 ± 1° C. As a control, plants grown during the photoperiod day / night 16/8 were used. Some features of the growth and development of Triticum aestivum L. plants were revealed under etiolation conditions. It was established that differences in the length of the root system of etiolated and control seedlings are determined by the length of the roots of the upper tier.

Taxonomic Composition of Ground Invertebrates and Their Ratio in Different Types of Deciduous Forests within Tobolsk District of Tyumen Region

The composition and spatial distribution of the surface & litterdwelling mesofauna in leaved forests the indigenous terrace of the Irtysh river are analyzed on the basis materials of accounting for invertebrates by soil traps. The surveys were carried out in 2005–2010 in three types of forests – aspen forest, lime forest and birch forest, located within Tobolsk district of the Tyumen region (southern taiga, Western Siberia).
