Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)


The Genus Alchemilla L. (Rosaceae) in the Flora of Chuvashia

In the flora of the Chuvash Republic, 40 species of the genus are revealed. 11 of these (A. altaica, А. argutiserrata, A. barbulata, A. cheirochlora, A. exilis, A. gibberulosa, A. hebescens, A. oxyodonta, A. plicata, A. sibirica, A. vorotnikovii) are registered in the Republic for the first time. Earlier, two species (A. pustynensis Czkalov and A. obtusa auct. non Buser) were noted here erroneously. Species are revealed whose richness corresponds to the level seen in neighbouring regions and approaches the maximum possible.

Influence of Amanita muscaria (class Agaricomycetes, fam. Amanitaceae) and Flammulina velutipes (class Agaricomycetes, fam. Physalacriaceae) on the growth and development of seedlings of Picea abies (class Pinophyta, fam. Pinaceae) and Abies sibirica (cla

The article presents studies of the influence of Amanita muscaria and Flammulina velutipes on the growth and development of seedlings of species of the Pinaceae family. The positive effect of mycorrhization by these fungi species on the growth and development of Picea abies and Abies sibirica was established. Thus, the presence of Flammulina velutipes and Amanita muscaria in the substrate accelerated the appearance of the first shoots by 4–8 days. Mycorrhization of Amanita muscaria influenced the morphometry of the seedlings of Picea abies and Abies sibirica.

Water Buttercups in Herbarium of Saratov State University (SARAT, SARP)

Labels of specimens of genus Batrachium in Herbarium of Saratov State University (SARAT, SARP) are given. Comments to determination of some species of this genus are given.

Biological Properties of Bacteria-assiociants (Myzus cerasi F., 1775) (Insecta: Homoptera, Aphididae)Biological Properties of Bacteria-assiociants (Myzus cerasi F., 1775) (Insecta: Homoptera, Aphididae)

The biological properties of bacteria-assiociants Myzus cerasi F. in territory of the Saratov region weree studied. 39 strains of bacteria were revealed. 66.6% of the strains were able to use glucose, 87.0% – fixed molecular nitrogen, 56.3% – had the ability to grow at 10 °C, 92.1% of the isolated cultures were alkalotolerant and grown at pH10. 

Saiga Diet (Saiga Tatarica L.) on Different Types of Pastures Caspian Lowlands

Studied the power of saiga in the Caspian lowland in June 2011. Mikrogistologichesky cuticularscatological analysis of undigested food residues revealed a specific and quantitative differences in the diet of animals on two types of pasture. Analysis of feeds and their digestibility revealed optimal habitat for the saiga.

Protected Vascular Plants of the Nature Sanctuary «Burkinsky the Wood»

Results of research of flora of a nature sanctuary are given in this article «the Burkinsky wood». 31 types of the protected vascular plants included in the Red book of the Saratov region are revealed. The taksonomichesky, biomorphological and ekologo-tsenotichesky analysis of rare species is carried out. Paths of use of types of a nature sanctuary are defined.

Steller Sea Lion (Eumetopias Jubatus Shreder 1776) Female Mating Behavior on Kozlova Cape Rookery (Kamchatka Peninsula)

Cause-effect relationship has been identified for each of the observed mating event. There are a numbers of behavioral phases that occurring before and after a mating process. The most important factor that initializes precopulation behavior for males is an active aggressive behavior of females, indicating the behavioral manifestations of estrus. It was estimated that a high level of activity of females on a rookery after mating can cause other mating with another males.

Features of Klonal Micropropogation of the Mountain Ash, Var. «Granatny»

The optimum variant of explant sterilization of mountain ash var. «Granatnaya» for introduction in culture in vitro has been picked up. It is shown that the nutrient medium WPM with addition of 1,0 mg/l of BAP is optimum for klonal mikropropogation, spontaneous regenerant rooting being found only on nutrient media without hormones. It has been established that the optimum variant of the nutrient medium at the stage of rooting is 1/2WPM with addition of 1,0 mg/l of NАА.

Formation of Elements of Efficiency of the Spike Spring Soft Wheat

Formation of elements efficiency of an spike wheat of different cultivar is analysed. It is offered to use for an estimation of potential productivity of a cultivar morphogenetic an efficiency index.

To the Question of the Suitability of Soils Territory the Educational Centre «Botanical Garden» of Saratov State University for Growing Hybrid Gladiolus

The hybrid gladiolus occupies one of the leading places among the huge number of perennial plants thanks to its decorative qualities and the timing of flowering. In order to select a site for the cultivation of gladiolus it is necessary to consider its requirements for agrochemical soil condition. The analysis was made of the soil territory the Educational Centre «Botanical Garden» of Saratov State University, which is used for the cultivation of corms gladioli.
