Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Chemistry. Biology. Ecology

ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)

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The Additional Data about Spring Beetles Fauna (Insecta: Coleoptera) of the Natural Monument «Rasskazan’ Lake» (Saratov Province)

Sazhnev Alexey Sergeevich, I.D. Papanin Institute for biology of inland waters Russian Academy of Sciences
Volodchenko Alexey N., Saratov State University
Lavrentiev Michail Vasilievich, Saratov State University
Trushnov Dmitry A., Saratov State University

The present work is a continuation of the inventory of the coleopterofauna of the water-terrestrial ecotones of the nature monument «Rasskazan’ Lake» Balashov district of Saratov province, which began in 2017. The study concerned the spring fauna of the period of occurrence of the Khoper river in low water after floods and the beginning of the stagnation of the lake water level. In total, 137 species from 18 families were noted for the studied biotopes, of which 41 species were new, with – 7 species appearing for the first time for the territory of the Saratov province. According to the types of ranges, superatlantic and transpalearctic species prevailed, and ecological groups are most represented by facultative aquatic and true aquatic Coleoptera, inhabiting mainly aquatic and semi-aquatic vegetation. The distribution of live (ecomorphological) forms among the main groups of terrestrial beetles has retained the same proportions as in the previous study. The high-water season of 2018 contributed to the study of hydrobionts, the qualitative composition of which confirms the lake’s bogging processes. The conservation status of a natural object corresponds not only to its landscape-ornithological profile, but also serves as a unique habitat for a number of arctic-subboreal (Rhantus exsoletus, Loricera pilicornis) and southern elements (Anotylus mendus, Limnoxenus niger), located on the edge of the range, and rare polyzonal (Blethisa multipunctata) of beetles in the Saratov province.

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