Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Chemistry. Biology. Ecology

ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)

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New Associations of Steppe Vegetation in National Park «Khvalynsky»

Lysenko Tatiana Michailovna, Institute of Ecology of the Volga Basin of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Arkhipova Ekaterina Alexandrovna, Saratov State University
Suleymanova Guzyalya F., Saratov State University

The article considers the issue of studying the steppe vegetation of the Khvalynsky National Park from the standpoint of ecologophytocenotic and ecologo-floristic approaches to the classification of vegetation. New associations Alysso tortuosi-Artemisietum salsoloidis Lysenko ass. nov. hoc loco, Euphorbio glareosae-Festucetum valesiacae ass. nov. hoc loco, Artemisio marschallianae-Stipetum pennatae Lysenko ass. nov. hoc loco, Astragalo varii-Bromopsietum inermis Lysenko ass. nov. hoc loco, Astragalo albicaulis-Stipetum lessingianae Lysenko ass. nov. hoc loco, Veronico prostrataeArtemisietum nitrosae Lysenko ass. nov. hoc loco and Galatello angustissimae-Spiraetum litwinowii Lysenko ass. nov. hoc loco are selected on the basis of the use of ecologo-floristic approach. Their diagnostic types, nomenclature types are given, the composition and structure, ecology and distribution of communities are characterized. Installed syntaxa are ranged to class Festuco-Brometea Br.-Bl. et Tx. ex Soo 1947, orders Festucetalia valesiacae Soo 1947, Helictotricho-Stipetalia Toman 1969 and Tanaceto achilleifoliiStipetalia lessingianae Lysenko et Mucina in Mucina 2016, unions Festucion valesiacae Klika 1931, Centaurion sumensis Golub et Uzhametskaya 2016 and Tanaceto achilleifolii-Stipion lessingianae Lysenko et Mucina in Mucina 2016.


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