Izvestiya of Saratov University. Chemistry. Biology. Ecology. 2015, Vol. 15, iss. 3

Известия Саратовского университета. Новая серия. Серия Химия. Биология. Экология
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Al-Saidi M. Z., Shtykov S. N.
Effect of Temperature, Isotopic Composition of Water and Ethanol on the Tautomeric Equilibrium of Sulphonated Phenylazonaphtholes
Elkin M. D., Pankratov A. N., Gaysina A. R.
Modeling of Adiabatic Potential Parameters for Monosubstituted Benzenes, Pyridines, Pyrones and Thiopyrones
Pankratov A. N., Tsivileva O. M., Tsymbal O. A., Yurasov N. A.
Fragmentation Canals of Molecular Ions of GC-MS-Registered Components of Media of Shiitake Basidiomycete Submerged Cultivation in the Presence of Diacetophenonylselenide. Isomerization of Dihydrofurans and Their Cation Radicals
Denisov N. S., Tumskiy R. S.
The Peculiarities of Synthesis of Acid Esters of Methylphosphonic Acid
Uglanova V. Z., Denisov N. S.
Mass Fraction Evaluation of the Basic Substance in Dialkyl Methylphosphonate Samples by Potentiometric Titration
Demakhin A. G., Akchurin S. V., Palagin A. Y., Kuznecov N. N., Kurskov S. N.
Determination of the Contents of Arsenic, Mercury, Copper, Nickel and Zinc in the Soil and Ventilating Emissions by Method of Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS)
Lobachev А. L., Lobacheva I. V., Revinskaya E. V., Redkin A. A., Yakunina E. A.
Determination of the Contents of Arsenic, Mercury, Copper, Nickel and Zinc in the Soil and Ventilating Emissions by Method of Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS)
Perov S. Y., Bogacheva E. V., Bezrukavnikova L. M., Lazarashvili N. A.
Experimental Study of Electromagnetic Fields the Meter Band Some Indicators of Oxidative Stress
Glinskaya E. V., Anikin V. V., Verkhovsky R. A., Abalymov A. A.
Biological Properties of Bacteria – Assiociants Aphis Pomi Degeer, 1773
Arkhipova E. A., Boldyrev V. A., Sedova O. V., Sinitcyna M. V., Shishkina E. S.
Potamogetonaceae in Herbarium SSU (Sarat). Part 2
Kulagin A. Y., Giniyatullin R. H.
Water Deficit of Woody Plants in Different Environmental Conditions
Shilova I. V., Kashin A. S., Petrova N. A., Ermolaeva N. N.
The State of the Cenopopulation Delphinium Pubiflorum (Dc.) Turcz. Ex Huth in Tatishevskiy District of the Saratov Region
Shurshalova N. F., Nechayeva O. V., Vakaraeva M. M., Zayarskiy D. A., Tikhomirova E. I.
Developing and Testing Laboratory Samples of Innovative Biologically Active Preparations Based on the Core-shell Structure
Peterson A. М., Mohamed H., Kozlova A. V.
Associative Microorganisms Shoots Apple Tree (Malus P. Mill, 1754) in Saratov Region
Mustafina A. N., Abramova L. M., Taniya I. V.
To Biology of a Rare Species of Primula Farinosa L. in Ritsinsky Relic National Park (Abkhazia Republic)
Grebennikov К. А., Anikin V. V.
Biotopical Distribution of Orve Beetles (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) of the Lower Volga Region
Savonin A. A., Shlyakhtin G. V., Filipechev A. O.
Seasonal Dynamics of Nutrition American Mink (Neovison Vison Schreber, 1777) in the Coastal Zone River B. Irgiz