Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)



Загрязнение окружающей среды - одна из наиболее остро стоящих проблем перед человечеством. Постоянный поиск ее решения - важный аспект современной химии.
В работе изучалась окислительная деструкция двух антибиотиков одной фармацевтической группы, со сходным строением, но различными свойствами.

Синтез новых гибридных молекул на основе производных 7-гидрокси-2,2,4-триметилгидрохинолинов

Среди конденсированных азагетероциклов хинолины давно привлекают внимание химиков. В первую очередь, это связано с их широким спектром практически полезных свойств. Хинолины и их производные демонстрируют широкий спектр биологической активности, включая противомалярийную, противораковую, противовирусную, противогрибковую и противовоспалительную активность. Эти соединения также используются в качестве флуоресцентных зондов, люминесцентных меток и в производстве красителей.


В статье рассмотрены физико-химические основы кинетических процессов, происходящих при помоле клинкера портландцемента. Нелинейный характер процесса указывает на протекание процессов, приводящих к агрегации частиц. Введение поверхностно-активных добавок может интенсифицировать процесс измельчения. Было зафиксировано увеличение скорости измельчения, что связано с эффективной работой ПАВ и связанного с этим снижением поверхностного натяжения в первые минуты процесса измельчения.

Grafting of acrylic monomers onto polyethylene surface (review)

A search and review of English-language scientifi c literature about the graft copolymerization of acrylic monomers onto a solid-phase polymeric surface has been carried out. Grafting onto plates and fi lms of high- and low-density polyethylene is considered. The monomers used were acrylic and methacrylic acids, glycidyl acrylate and glycidyl methacrylate, etc., and the main method was UV photopolymerization with an initiator – benzophenone, etc.

Description and investigation of chemical interaction in the Li+,Na+||F- ,Cl- ,Вг- system

The use of melts in various fi elds of industry and scientifi c research is based on the study of the properties of melts and the chemical processes occurring in them. In modern engineering and technology, a signifi cant number of processes are associated with the use of mixtures of lithium and sodium halides as mixtures that accumulate heat, as electrolytes for medium-temperature chemical current sources. Therefore, the interest in the study of systems involving such systems is continuously increasing.

Non-destructive testing of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs using near-field infrared spectroscopy method

The use of near-infrared spectroscopy for quality control of nonsteroidal anti-infl ammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in blister packs is demonstrated. NSAIDs with the active ingredients ibuprofen, diclofenac, naproxen, etoricoxib, acetylsalicylic acid and meloxicam have been studied. IR spectra have been recorded using a Frontier FTIR spectrometer with a NIRA attachment, used to collect diff use refl ectance spectra of solids.

Synthesis of 2-alkyl-5-phenyl-4,5,6,7-tetrahydro-[1,2,4]triazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidin-7-ol derivatives

The problem of acid corrosion of steel is of signifi cant importance, particularly in the context of the oil extraction industry, where acid treatment of wells and surrounding spaces is widely employed. This research article focuses on the synthesis and investigation of previously unstudied derivatives of the class of 2-alkyl-5-phenyl-4,5,6,7-tetrahydro-[1,2,4]triazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidin-7-ols – organic compounds potentially highly eff ective as inhibitors of acid corrosion of steel.

Thionation of 4-((4-oxo-4H-chromen-3-yl)methylene)-2-phenyloxazol-5(4H)-one using the LAWESSON’S reagent

Analysis of periodicals has showed that there is no information on the behavior of hybrid heterocyclic systems containing several pharmacophore fragments based on oxazol-5(4H)-ones and chromen-4(4H)-ones in reactions with thionizing reagents under various conditions.

Changes in the chemical, physical-chemical and biological properties of Ochrobactrum cytisi IPA7.2 lipopolysaccharide during О-deacylation

Lipopolysaccharides are compounds of bacterial origin that have biological activity against plants, animals and humans. This work provides information on the preparation and characterization of the properties of modifi ed lipopolysaccharide derivatives of the rhizosphere bacterium Ochrobactrum cytisi IPA7.2. Deacylation has been carried out using alkaline hydrolysis, followed by chromatographic separation of the fractions. O-deacetylation of O-polysaccharide led to a 2-fold increase in the extinction of the products of the phenol-sulfuric acid reaction.

Heterophase phenomena of tritium fractionation in water systems

Tritium is the only one of the radioactive isotopes that a filtering system is unable to neutralize. It is produced by collateral fi ssion processes in nuclear reactors and displays itself in radioactive wastes and effl uents in diff erent forms of tritium oxides. Thus the development and application of nuclear energy entails a challenging problem of treating tritium-containing radioactive wastewater.The paper deals with tritium water isotopologues, namely, with prototritium water and deuterotritium water.
