Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Chemistry. Biology. Ecology

ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)

Article type: 

Water Deficit of Woody Plants in Different Environmental Conditions

Kulagin A. Yu., Ufa Federal Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Giniyatullin R. H., Ufa Federal Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Materials on brich, balsam poplar water deficit under polymetallic pollution are presented in this article. The purpose of this work content of water in leaves of a birch, poplar in morning, midday and afternoon hours is defined. The relative vital condition of wood plants in the conditions of pollution of the Sterlitamak industrial center and in a zone of conditional control is estimated. There have been investigated root systems of wood plants. The object of investigations was brich, balsam poplar, located in different disfance from industrial enterprises of Sterlitamak. As aresult are revealed that in the conditions of the industrial center and in a zone of conditional control at noon with increase in temperature and reduction of relative humidity of air the consumption of moisture increases, reaching the maximum water deficiency in the afternoon from 13–15 h. In the conditions of pollution the highest water deficiency at a poplar balsam in comparison with a birch povisly. At midday o’clock water deficiency at a poplar makes 24,7%. The vital condition of planting of a poplar in the conditions of the Sterlitamak industrial center is estimated as «strongly attenuated», and at a birch povisly is estimated as «healthy». The reason of increase in values of water deficiency at a poplar balsam in the conditions of industrial pollution is deterioration of a vital condition of a tree. It is shown that in a complex industrial centre with Sterlitamak’s pollution deterioration the living condition and the decline in the Share of absorbing roots brich and poplar there are significant changes in balsamic water deficit.


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