Seasonal Dynamics of Nutrition American Mink (Neovison Vison Schreber, 1777) in the Coastal Zone River B. Irgiz
Spend seasonal estimation diet of American mink on the river B. Irgiz between 2000 and 2011. The basis of nutrition predator: spring – amphibians (24.5% BIO), crayfish (43.1% BIO), mammals (21.3% BIO); summer – fish (29.3% BIO), amphibians (22.6% BIO), mammals (13.3% BIO); autumn – amphibians (43.3% BIO), fish (15.5% BIO), mammals (11.8% BIO); winter – fish (30.8% BIO); mammals (30.1% BIO). The regularities of changes in the composition of the diet in the conditions of anthropogenic load. The highest trophic niche fixed summer (BA = =0.76), the lowest – in the winter (BA = 0.12).
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