Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)



Одним из приемов сохранения отечественного природного генофонда Dracocephalum служит его возделывание ex situ. Впервые получены результаты оценки морфобиологических особенностей Dracocephalum krylovii при интродукции в Кузбасском ботаническом саду.


В статье рассматривается биоразнообразия мезопланктона Азербайджанcкой акватории Каспийского моря. Приведены сведения о составе и таксономической структуре мезопланктона. Исследования проводились в весенний, летний и осенний сезоны 2011-2015 годов в прибрежной части Азербайджанского сектора Каспийского моря. Сеть Джеди из шелкового материала № 38 использовалась для сбора проб мезопланктона в Каспийском море. Мезопланктон Каспийского моря включает 33 семейства, 81 род, 128 видов и 54 подвида.

Evaluation of activity of peroxidases contained in various plant sources

In this study, the decolorization reaction of aqueous solution bromophenol blue dye was carried out in the presence of hydrogen peroxide and peroxidase contained in the roots of horseradish (Armoracia rusticana), radish (Raphanus sativus var. radicula), yellow turnip (Brassica napobrassica), daikon (Raphanus sativus), black radish (Raphanus sativus ‘Niger’), green radish (Raphanus) or stalk of white cabbage (Brassica capitata).

Cytogenetic characteristics of species of the genus Chironomus of the group ‘‘plumosus’’ (Diptera, Chironomidae) in natural-territorial complexes of the Ural region

The polytene chromosomes of the cells of the salivary glands of the larvae of Ch. plumosus L. 1758, Ch. entis Shobanov 1989, Ch. borokensis Kerkis et al. 1988 and Ch. curabilis Beljanina et al. 1990 from 20 reservoirs of six natural-territorial complexes of the Ural region were studied. On the basis of a cytotaxonomic study, it was established that natural complexes diff er from each other in the species composition of the “plumosus” group, the ratio (in %) between species and, certain parameters of cytogenetic variability of Ch. plumosus, Ch. entis and Ch. borokensis.

Biological properties of soils of the "Nadedzhdinsky" and "Severo-Kamyshansky" oil fi elds located in the territory of the "Mekletsky" reserve

The most acute environmental problem in many regions of Russia and other countries is environmental pollution with oil and oil products. Soil pollution with oil products can occur in various emergencies in areas of oil production and processing, when oil pipelines break, which causes leakage and spills on the soil surface, as well as in places where oil products are distributed. The purpose of this study is to study the biological properties of soils in Kalmykia under conditions of oil and oil products pollution.

Molecular genetic analysis of Yersinia pestis strains isolated in diff erent epizootic periods on the territory of the Ural-Embensky desert natural plague focus area in the twentieth century

We performed a molecular genetic analysis of Yersinia pestis strains isolated in the Ural-Embensky desert natural plague focus area in the twentieth century. We studied 24 strains of Y. pestis isolated on this territory since 1945 to1991, as well as 21 strains of Y. pestis from adjacent territories. All of the strains studied from the Ural-Embensky natural focus of plague belonged to the highly virulent and epidemically signifi cant medieval biovar of the main subspecies Y. pestis.

Genomic rearrangements aff ect the resistance of biofi lms of soil bacteria Azospirillum brasilense to abiotic stress

The bacteria Azospirillum brasilense, used as biofertilizers, have a signifi cant positive eff ect on the growth and development of plants. The genome of the strain A. brasilense Sp7 is represented by a chromosome and numerous plasmids with molecular weight of 90, 115, and over 300 MDa. Genomic rearrangements that cause changes in the “plasmid profi le” can contribute to the formation of subpopulations or phenotypic variants in a bacterial population. There is little data on the role of such rearrangements in the adaptation of A.


Многоклеточные сфероиды представляют собой трехмерные in vitro модели органов и тканей. Многоклеточные сфероиды приобрели большой интерес в области биотехнологий, так как они являются воспроизводимыми и имитирующими реальные органы и ткани тест-системами для новых форм лекарственных средств, позволяя минимизировать использование животных моделей in vivo.

Role of Sex Hormones in Regulation of Basal and Stressed Secretion of Nitric Oxide in Normotensive and Hypertensive Rats

We studied effects of gonadectomy on nitric oxide content in blood in normotensive and hypertensive females and males at rest and stress situation. We revealed the stronger estrogens but not androgens in regulation of basal and stressed secretion of nitric oxide under differ­ ent physiological conditions (rest, stress, arterial hypertension) that may be one of possible mechanism responsible for higher cardiovas­ cular resistance to stress-induced damages in female compared with male.

Stand Linden Phytomass and Productivity of Nation Park «Chvalynskiy»

In this article some results of stock phytomass and primary produc­ tion linden forests of nation park «Chvalynskiy» are presented.
