Izvestiya of Saratov University. Chemistry. Biology. Ecology. 2015, Vol. 15, iss. 2

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Drevko B. I., Fedotova О. V., Drevko Y. B., Osina T. S.
Reduction Reaction of 2,4-Diaryl-7,8-benzo-5,6-dihydroselenochromens
Amelin V. G., Amelin A. I.
Rapid Determination of Tetracyclines in Milk by the Method of Mass Spectrometry High Resolution
Smirnova T. D., Paraschenko I. I., Zhelobitskaya E. A.
Возможности стационарной и разрешенной во времени сенсибилизированной флуоресценции при определении некоторых тетрациклинов в мицеллярных средах
Demakhin A. G., Akchurin S. V., Eliseev D. A., Radyushkin Y. G.
Processing of Reaction Masses of Lewisite in Arsenic-сontain Commercial Products
Komov D. N., Kazarinov I. А., Nikitina N. V.
Sorbents Based on Natural Bentonites Modified with Iron (III) and Aluminum Polyhydroxocations by the Sol-Gel Method
Kuzmina R. I., Uglanova V. Z., Denisov S. N., Denisov N. S.
To the Question the Choice of a Derivatizing Agent for the Transfer of Methylphosphonic Acid and its O-alkils Ethers to Chromatographic Derivatives
Amelin V. G., Andoralov A. M.
Determination of Pesticide Residues in Grapes and Tomatoes by High Resolution Mass-spectrometry
Sindeev S. S., Zinchenko E. M., Ulanova M. V., Gekalyuk A. S., Agranovich I. M., Semyachkina-Glushkovskaya O. V., Kassim M., Sindeeva O. A.
The Effect of Emotional and Severe Pathological Stresses on the Level of Arterial Pressure and the Production of Testosterone in Female and Male Rats
Anikin V. V., Zolotuhin V. V., Sachkov S. A.
The Results of the Inventory of the Lepidoptera Fauna (Insecta: Lepidoptera) of the Volga-Ural Region
Stepanov S. A., Gagarinckiy E. L., Kasatkin M. Y., Ilyin N. S.
Heterogeneity of Bodies Wheat under the Maintenance of Pigments Photosynthesis
Petrova N. A., Kashin A. S., Pastuhova A. I., Shilova I. V.
The Variability of Some Morphological Parameters Calophaca Wolgarica in the Populations of the Volgograd Region
Ermolin V. P., Belianin I. A., Tiulin D. Y.
Evaluation of Reproduction Conditions of Commercial Fish in Iriklin Reservoir to the Juvenile Fish Productivity
Reshetnikova T. B., Malygina A. S., Nasyrova I. E.
Realization Systemically – Activity Approach at Biology Lessons within Fgos
Semyachkina-Glushkovskaya O. V., Gekalyuk A. S., Sindeeva O. A., Lychagov V. V., Abdurashitov A. S.
Role of Sulfonylurea Receptor in the Development of Stress-induced Hemorrhagic Cerebral Infarction in Newborn Rats
Arkhipova E. A., Boldyrev V. A., Stepanov M. V.
Potamogetonaceae in Herbarium SSU (Sarat). Part 1
Semyachkina-Glushkovskaya O. V., Ulanova M. V., Abdurashitov A. S., Gekalyuk A. S., Sindeev S. S., Sindeeva O. A., Kassim M.
The Role of Beta-2-Adrenomediated Mechanisms of Injures of Venous Cerebral Blood Flow in Newborn Rats with Intracranial Hemorrhage
Novgorodova T. A., Ryabinin A. S.
Trophobiotic Associations between Ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) and Aphids (Hemiptera, Aphidomorpha) in South Zauralye