Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Chemistry. Biology. Ecology

ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)

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Trophobiotic Associations between Ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) and Aphids (Hemiptera, Aphidomorpha) in South Zauralye

Novgorodova T. A., Institute of Animal Systematics and Ecology SB RAS
Ryabinin A. S., Institute of Animal Systematics and Ecology SB RAS

Trophobiosis with aphids producing honeydew, which is one of the main energetic resources for ants, plays an important role in their life. These are the first data on the trophobiotic as- sociations between ants and aphids in South Zauralye. Investigations were carried out in the most typical biotopes for the region (forest, meadow, steppe and antropogenic biotopes) in 2006–2013. Trophobiotic interactions with aphids are revealed for 17 ant species from two subfamilies: Formicinae (Formica – 7 species, Lasius – 3, Camponotus – 3) and Myrmicinae (Myrmica – 4). 84 species of myrmecoplile aphids of 30 genera and 6 families were revealed. The majority of aphid species (65) were associated with Lasius niger (Linnaeus, 1758) and also with dominant species: Formica pratensis Retzius, 1783 – 23 species, red wood ants of Formica rufa group – 17. Other ants were noted in aphid colonies of the less number of species (1–5). The number of aphid species associated with the dominant ants of Formica and L. niger depends on the composition and structure of ant community. Obligate dominant species of Formica at- tend colonies of the majority of aphid species, besides the variety of trophobiotic interactions of these ants significantly increases in the presence of subdominants of subgenus Serviformica (F. fusca and F. cunicularia). In the absence of dominant ants of Formicaaphid colonies of the majority of species are attended by L. niger. On the whole, obligate dominants of Formica s. str. in tandem with subdominant ants of subgenus Serviformica play the most significant role in the forming of trophobiotic interactions in multispecies communities, while in the absence of dominants this role is played by L. niger. 


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