Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)

Shilova Irina V.

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Candidate of Sciences
Lead biologist

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Shushunov V. A., Shilova I. V., Parhomenko A. S., Kashin A. S. Ecological and cenotic characteristics of Colchicum laetum (Colchicaceae) habitats in the Volgograd region
Denisov A. A., Parhomenko A. S., Shilova I. V., Grebenyuk L. V., Kashin A. S. Dynamics of the demographic structure and variability of some morphological parameters of Calophaca wolgarica (Fabaceae) during reintroduction to the Saratov region
Bogoslov A. V., Kashin A. S., Shilova I. V., Parhomenko A. S., Grebenyuk L. V. Morphological variability and state of Delphinium pubiflorum (Ranunculaceae) populations in the Saratov region
Shilova I. V., Parhomenko A. S., Denisov A. A., Kondrateva A. O., Kashin A. S. Ecological features of plant communities containing Globularia bisnagarica L. in the Middle and Lower Volga Region
Bogoslov A. V., Kashin A. S., Shilova I. V., Kritskaya T. A., Parhomenko A. S., Grebenyuk L. V. Vitality Structure and Ontogenetic Strategy of DeLPHINIUM litwinowii (Ranunculaceae)
Shilova I. V., Kashin A. S., Ermolaeva N. N., Bogoslov A. V. Ecological and Phytocenological Characteristics of Associations of Delphinium Pubiflorum
Kashin A. S., Petrova N. A., Shilova I. V. The Structure of Morphological Variability and Vitaliti in the Populations of Tulipa Gesneriana L. in the Lower Volga Region and Adjacent Territories
Arkhipova E. A., Boldyrev V. A., Bulanaja M. V., Bulany Y. I., Grebenyuk S. I., Davidenko O. N., Davidenko T. N., Kostetsky O. V., Lavrentiev M. V., Majewski V. V., Nevskiy S. A., Panin A. V., Reshetnikova T. B., Sedova O. V., Stepanov M. V., Khudyakova L. P., Shevchenko E. N., Shilova I. V. Flowering Plant Species to Be Included Into the Third Edition of the Red Book of Saratov Region
Kashin A. S., Petrova N. A., Popova A. O., Shilova I. V. Morphological Variability in Populations of Chondrilla L. (Asteraceae) in European Russia
Shilova I. V., Kashin A. S., Petrova N. A., Ermolaeva N. N. The State of the Cenopopulation Delphinium Pubiflorum (Dc.) Turcz. Ex Huth in Tatishevskiy District of the Saratov Region
Petrova N. A., Kashin A. S., Pastuhova A. I., Shilova I. V. The Variability of Some Morphological Parameters Calophaca Wolgarica in the Populations of the Volgograd Region
Parhomenko A. S., Kondrateva A. O., Bogoslov A. V., Shilova I. V., Kashin A. S. Ontogenetic and vitality structure of Globularia bisnagarica L. cenopopulations in the Middle and Lower Volga regions
Bogoslov A. V., Parhomenko A. S., Kondrateva A. O., Shilova I. V., Orlowa A. D., Kashin A. S. Morphological variability of Colchicum laetum Steven (Colchidaceae) populations in the Lower Volga region and surrounding territories
Shilova I. V., Kashin A. S., Parhomenko A. S., Bogoslov A. V., Kritskaya T. A., Kasatkin M. Y. The ecological and coenotic features of plant communities containing Colchicum bulbocodium subsp. versicolor (Colchicaceae) in the Lower Volga region
Shilova I. V. On the distribution of Allium caeruleum and A. regelianum (Alliaceae Borkh.) in the territory of the Saratov region
Efimenko S. F., Parhomenko A. S., Shilova I. V., Grebenyuk L. V., Kuliseva Y. I., Kashin A. S. Results of monitoring of reintroduced populations of Calophaca wolgarica in the Saratov region