Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)


The Analysis of Phytophagous Mammals Trophic Activity in Different Biocenoses

The aim of the item is to collect and analyse the literature material of many researchers on trophic activity of phytophagous mammals. The characteristic of phytophagous animals’ feeding base has been given. The main emphasis in the collected material was put on ungulates, in particular on the elk as the largest dendrophage (wood-eating animal) of forest biocenoses in Russia.

Breaking Physical Dormancy of the Laburnum anagyroides Seeds by in vivo and in vitro Conditions

Laburnum anagyroides Medik. is a popular ornamental tree native to the Mediterranean region. Its seeds are characterized of a physical dormancy, complicating seed reproduction. The present study was conducted to identify the seed dormancy breaking treatments to improve seed germination. The various stratification techniques (cold and warm treatments, alternate temperature regime) were tested. Simultaneously, the seeds were germinated in soil and on different nutrient media in vitro.

Prevalence of Nosocomial Strains Enterobacteriaceae Have Carbapenemases in Russia

In this article we have looked into the matter of antibiotic resistance among the group of nosocomial strains Enterobacteriaceae which has been determined by the production of carbapenemases. In 2014 there were revealed four types of enzymes and six types of enterobacterias. The main causative agent of nosocomial infections and the major host of the acquired carbapenemases gene is Klebsiella pneumonia. There were cases of carbapenemases’ production about extramural flora of hospitalized patients.

Biological Characteristics of Productivity of Various Breeding and Genetic Forms Winter Rye

The paper presents the results of a study of the biological characteristics of productivity of various breeding and genetic forms of winter rye, presented by grades and district of the Saratov breeding. Significant varietal differences in development of individual morphological parameters of the shoot.

The Frequency of Apomixis in Populations of Chondrilla Species in the South of Europen Part of Russia

The monitoring of the frequency of apomixis was making in popu- lations of 7 species of Chondrilla in the south of european part of Russia. It is shown that the plants of 6 examined species (C. juncea, C. graminea, C. canescens, C. brevirostris, C. latifolia и C. acantho- lepis) are characterized by their ability to seed reproduction by apo- mixis. This fact is confirmed by results of a study of seed productivity of the species of the genus Chondrilla at the regime of blossoming without pollen and cytoembryological analysis megagametophytes of the same plants.

Study of Correlation between Growth Rate of Children and Monophtalate Concentrations in Urine

The study presents the results of determining of phthalate metabolites in urine of pre-school and primary school children by HPLC/MS. The correlation between growth rate of children and the concentration of phthalate metabolites in their urine was examined. The detected range of phthalate metabolite concentrations (mono-methyl phthalate, mono-butyl phthalate, mono-ethylhexyl phthalate) in urine of children was 0.0004–0.012 mg/dm3.

Features of Growth and Development of Wheat Seedlings (TriticumaestivumL.) under the Action of 2,4,6-triphenyl-3,5-dichloropyridine and 2,6-diphenyl-3-chloropyridine

A biological testing of new synthetic heterocyclic compounds – 2,4,6-triphenyl-3,5-dichloropyridine and 2,6-diphenyl-3-chloropyri- dine differing more halogen atoms and phenyl fragments of the pyri- dine ring. The compounds were first obtained at the Department of Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry National Research Saratov State University. The objects of the study were the seedlings of spring wheat TriticumaestivumL. The test solutions had a positive effect on the rate root-maintenance seedlings in all variants of the experiment.

Community of the Aerobic Bacteria-destructors of DDT as a Result of Natural and Artificial Selection

For 40 years the soil microflora of the Landscape Reserve «Osinsk Forest Summer House» (Perm region, Russia) was exposed to high concentrations of DDT. Soil from the blocks 11 and 32 were selected and used in the process of artificial selection of aerobic bacterial communities capable of degrading DDT. Selection was carried out in the laboratory in four stages. As a result, successional changes were recorded, accompanied by reduction in the number and diversity of morphological types of bacterial strains in microbial communities.

The Influence of Growth Conditions of Bacteria Azospirillum lipoferum Sp59b on the Biological Activity of Their Glycopolymers

It is well known that lipopolysaccharides (LPSs) from outer membranes and capsular polysaccharides of Gram-negative bacteria activate in- nate immune system of humans and mammals and can produce septic shock clinical signs. A beneficial effect of LPSs consists in moderate stimulation of production of endogenous mediators by immune system cells, thus increasing the resistance of the organism to infections. In this respect the development of non-toxic derivatives of bacterial glycopolymers with improved immunostimulary properties becomes urgent.

About the Biology of the Invasive Species Hordeum jubatum L. in Bashkir Trans-Urals

The results of researches of 7 coenopopulations of North American invasivespeciesHordeumjubatumL.(Poaceae)inthe Trans-Urals of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Hordeum jubatum spreads on the steppe zone of the region. It dominates over other plants and it is share of participation in the community is 45,5–60,5%. The density of grass invasive species – 9–18 plants per 1 m2.Each plant produces 35 to 68 shoots, on average, is more than 600 shoots per 1 m2. The biomass of the type is no more than 0.25 kg/m2. Seed production is 39–54 pcs.
