Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)


Accumulation of heavy metals and arsenic with medicinal herbal raw material of common shovel harvested in Voronezh region

The Voronezh region is traditionally the most important area of crop production and agriculture. The purpose of the research was to study the contamination with heavy metals of medicinal plant raw materials of the Voronezh region using the example of the roots of ordinary burdock, prepared in urbo- and agro-ecosystems, which have various anthropogenic effects on themselves. The accumulation of heavy metals (lead, mercury, cadmium, nickel, copper, zinc, cobalt, chromium) and arsenic in 51 samples of raw materials was studied.

Ecological and cenotic characteristics of Colchicum laetum (Colchicaceae) habitats in the Volgograd region

During the flowering period of Colchicum laetum Stephen (September 16–19, 2020), seven habitats were studied in the Volgograd region. C. laetum occurs on small (0.006–4 ha) unploughed areas of the steppes adjacent to gullies. In the community, 28 species of vascular plants were recorded, including C. laetum, only 10 species vegetated (from 2 to 7 in the community): Artemisia austriaca Jacq., A. santonicum L., Bassia prostrata (L.) Beck, Cynanchum acutum L., Dianthus polymorphus M. Bieb., Euphorbia seguieriana Neck., E.

Spatial-ontogenetic structure of Globularia bisnagarica L. (Plantaginaceae) cenopopulations

The results of studying the spatial-ontogenetic structure of five cenopopulations of Globularia bisnagarica L. on the territory of the Orenburg region and the Republic of Tatarstan are presented. Analysis of the age structure using the OntoParam program algorithm revealed the heterogeneity of ontogenetic spectra in most cenopopulations. Assessment of the parameters of average age, recovery index and ageing index showed that most cenopopulations are capable of self-restoration and maintenance of numerosity.

Macrozoobenthos Communities from Floodplain Lakes of the Volga River Valley (Saratov Region)

Macrozoobenthos from lakes of the Volga River valley were consists 99 species of hydrobionts (including 80 species of heterotopic insects). The greatest number of communities were determined in the lake Sazanka (in spring – 8, in summer – 5, in autumn – winter period – 9). Community Glyptotendipes glaucus, Polypedilum nubeculosum and Oligochaeta were prevailed during the year. Benthos other lakes include the least quantity of communities: Holodnoe lake – 3; Lenivoe lake – 1; Sadok lake – 1.

Еcological Complexes of Beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera) Coastal Area of Floodplain Lakes of Medveditsa River (Saratov Area)

The article contains the results of the coastal beetles research (floodplain lakes of Medveditsa river Lysogorsky district Saratov region). There is also a brief description of the investigated biotope. List of 68 species of beetles is presented. The representatives of investigated set of beetles are divided into ecological groups, humid gradient and food chains.

мChange of Ecological and Biological Properties of Light Brown Soils of Kalmykia at Oil Pollution

Change of ecological and biological properties of light brown soils of Kalmykia at oil pollution is investigated. Negative influence of oil pollution on biological properties of light brown soils is studied. Influence of oil pollution on body height and development of plants is studied. Oil negatively influences such indicators of plants as the root length, the stalk length, the quantity of the sprouted plants, they decrease. It is proved that oil pollution of the light brown soil leads to change of physical and chemical properties of soils.
