Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Chemistry. Biology. Ecology

ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)

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Еcological State of Soil in the System “Soil – Forest Plants”

Verin Alexsandr Yu., Agricultural Research Institute for South-East Region (ARISER), laboratory of agrometeorological forecast
Medvedev Ivan F., Agricultural Research Institute for South-East Region (ARISER), laboratory of agrometeorological forecast

The article considers the ecological state of the soil in the system: soil-forest plantations. Forest plantations enhance environmental sustainability and productivity in the soil-plant system, contributing to the optimization of physical properties and soil regimes. Improving the physical and water-physical properties of the soil, increases the water reserves in the soil, increases the processes of humification, restoration of potential and effective soil fertility. In the soil of the forest zone, the proportion of organic colloids increases due to root and plant residues. The granulometric composition of the upper soil horizons is enriched with structure-forming fractions. As we approach the forest plantations, the structural coefficients increase by 1.3 times and the soil water hardness by 3.7 times. Agronomically valuable soil structure is renewed. The lowest density of addition is confined to the upper, most humus layer of the soil, which is due to the amount of incoming organic mass in the soil. As we moved away from forest plantations, the density of soil composition increased to 1.05–1.24 g/cm3 . Intensive humus accumulation occurs in the soil under forest plantations and in the zone of their influence 1–4H. the content of humus in the arable layer of soil in comparison with the control increased in the zone 1H– 32H by 1.2%. the maximum increase was recorded in the zone 1H–4H (235.1 t/ha), which is 21.7% more than control. Forest plantations affect the accumulation of heavy metals in the soil layer 0–30 cm. The lowest content of heavy metals is observed at the control, the highest under forest plantations and in the zone 1–4H.


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