Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)


Biotopical Distribution of Orve Beetles (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) of the Lower Volga Region

The result of study of distribution of rove beetles (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) in the main types of biotopes of the Lower Volga region during many years in the paper is given. Correlation between ecological features of the region, biotopical distribution and species composition of rove beetles is considered.

Seasonal Dynamics of Nutrition American Mink (Neovison Vison Schreber, 1777) in the Coastal Zone River B. Irgiz

Spend seasonal estimation diet of American mink on the river B. Irgiz between 2000 and 2011. The basis of nutrition predator: spring – amphibians (24.5% BIO), crayfish (43.1% BIO), mammals (21.3% BIO); summer – fish (29.3% BIO), amphibians (22.6% BIO), mammals (13.3% BIO); autumn – amphibians (43.3% BIO), fish (15.5% BIO), mammals (11.8% BIO); winter – fish (30.8% BIO); mammals (30.1% BIO). The regularities of changes in the composition of the diet in the conditions of anthropogenic load.

New Data about Syntaxonomic Diversity of Halophytic Vegetation in the Saratov Region

In this article the new halophytic vegetation associations from the territory of far Saratov left Volga bank regions are characterizing. The information about vegetation composition, structure and rare plants species is provided. The recommendations for conservation all new vegetation communities in the new integrated natural monuments of the region are given.

In Memory of Linus Pauling (1901–1994)

At the essay long and scientific achievement of Linus Pauling are described. Special attention is paid to the role of ascorbat in the cardiac genesis.

Ecological Distribution and Comparison of the Faunistic Complexes of Heterocera (Lepidoptera, Heterocera) of Various Biotopes and Landscapes of Mordovia

The comparative characteristic of fauna the heterocera (Lepidoptera, Heterocera) typical biotopes and landscapes of Mordovia is carried out. The ecological structure of fauna of the studied territories is given.

New Data on Distribution of Some Protected Species of Plants Saratov Region

The paper presents new data on the distribution of 22 species listed in the Red Book of the Saratov region (2006).

Rare Halophytes Plants Communities of the Saratov Region. Message 1. Vegetation of Brackish Water and Hydromorphic Solonchaks

This article is devoted to description rare halophytes plants communities of Saratov region, growing in brackish water and in hydromorphic solonchaks. Each community is assessed on a number of grounds, reflecting its composition, structure, functional status, the presence of rare species of plants, the degree and type of rarity. All сcommunities are recommended for protection at the regional level. The basis for the monitoring of their condition is provided. Information about the regional rare galophytic communities are provided for the first time.

New Information about Rare Plants Halophytes Species of Saratov Region. Materials to the Third Edition of the Regional Red Book

In this article the information extending the submission about dissemination of the Saratov region several protected halophytes plants species is provided. New data about the number of cenopopulations some species of saline soils and communities with their participation is considered. Two new plants species are recommended for inclusion in the third edition of the Saratov region Red Book.

Influence of the Tengutinsky Oil-extracting Complex on Soils of the Reserve «Black Earth»

In article influence of the Tengutinsky oil-extracting complex on chemical properties of soils of the reserve Black Earth is investigated. Negative action of an oil complex is studied. Features of accumulation of heavy metals in a soil profile are revealed. It is proved that oil pollution of the studied soils leads to change of physical and chemical properties of soils. Consistent patterns of distribution of heavy metals in brown semidesertic soils are determined.

Ecological-faunistic Characteristic of the Nidicolous Beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera) of National Park «Khvalinsky» (Saratov Province)

The article contains information about taxonomic and ecological structure of nidicolous beetles of national park «Khvalinsky» (Saratov Province). The aspects of nidicolous fauna degradation associated with leaving marmots their burrows were traced. Revealed a clear separation of spring and summer faunas of burrowing insect communities.
