Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Chemistry. Biology. Ecology

ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)

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Ecological safety and prospects of development of low-waste technologies in the biotechnology industry

Vol’nikov Vladislav Romanovich, Antiplague Research Institute "Microbe»
Ul’yanov Alexander Yurievich, Antiplague Research Institute "Microbe»
Salikhov Ruslan Rimovich, Antiplague Research Institute "Microbe»
Durakova Oksana Sergeevna, Russian Research Anti-Plague Institute "Microbe"
Avdeeva Natalia Georgievna, Antiplague Research Institute "Microbe»
Samokhvalova Yulia Igorevna, Antiplague Research Institute "Microbe»
Volokh Oksana Alexandrovna, Antiplague Research Institute "Microbe»

Environmental pollution with industrial waste is an urgent problem today. A special place in the list of pollutants belongs to waste from biotechnological enterprises and industries, whose activities are related to the production of various drugs. Russian Research Anti-Plague Institute «Microbe» is the only manufacturer of unique immunobiological drugs in the Russian Federation – bivalent chemical cholera vaccine and rabies immunoglobulin from horse blood serum (AIG). At present, the institute actively uses fibrin as a basis for nutrient media – a waste in the production of AIG; a technology for the regeneration of alcohol waste has been developed; biologically active substances were obtained from the production waste of specific components of the cholera vaccine. The aim of the work was to assess the prospects of using waste products from the production of specific components of cholera vaccine (cholerogen-toxoid – X-AT, and O-antigen – O-AG) – formalized detoxified microbial-free filtrate (FMF), as a nutrient medium for the cultivation of industrial strains of microorganisms. It has been shown that the best methods for reducing formalin concentration are autoclaving and chemical neutralization with aqueous ammonia. During low-volume cultivation of Vibrio cholerae 569B and V. cholerae M-41 strains on all variants of experimental media based on PBP, an increase in biomass was noted. The production of Vibrio cholerae antigens at a level comparable to that of growing on a control nutrient medium was recorded in a medium variant based on O-AG production waste. The use of FMF as a nutrient medium in the future will reduce the volume of waste generated and reduce the load on the treatment facilities of the Institute, which will increase the environmental safety of production.

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