Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)


Saratov Scientific School by the Problems of Biology and Genetics of Plant Reproduction Systems: Achievements and Perspectives

Saratov Scientific School by Biology and Genetics of Plant Reproduction Systems was formed under the leadership of Doctors of Biology S. S. Khokhlov and V. S. Tyrnov. Most of the unique research was performed in the Laboratory of Radiation and Experimental Genetics, established in 1958. Later it was transformed into the Department of genetics and reproductive biology of the Saratov State University Botanical Garden. Over the past 60 years, Saratov scientists have made a significant contribution to the development of fundamental and applied science.

Ecological Problems of the Saratov Region in Year Environment and the Year of Specially Protected of Natural Territories

The ecological problems of the Saratov region in the Year of Ecology and Protected Areas are discussed: the degradation and destruction of natural complexes, the reduction of species biological diversity and its causes, the need to expand the network of regional SPNA, reduce atmospheric pollution, hydrosphere and lithosphere (limiting emissions of harmful substances and reagents, non-waste technologies, introduction of alternative energy, modern technologies for waste processing and wastewater treatment), soil fertility conditions, growth new technogenic pollutants (ele

The Edge Effect of Casebearer Species (Lepidoptera, Coleophoridae) in the Forest-steppe Ecotones of Lower Volga Region

The casebearer`s fauna of the South-East of European Russia in its forest-steppe and steppe landscape zones on the territory of the Volga region in 1990–2016 was studied. The high species richness and the heterogeneity of the taxonomic structure of the casebearer moths on the border of forest and steppe cenoses on the border with the steppe were observed. It was established dwelling 172 species of casebearers of the 49 genera and their biotopical distribution in the studied landscapes.

Geoinformation Models of the Spatial Distribution of the Meles meles L., 1758 within Saratov Right Bank

Geoinformation models of species distribution are increasingly used in population ecology. The article describes the creation of a geoinformation model of the spatial distribution of the badger within the Saratov right bank. The research tasks included the selection of parameters according to the criteria for the suitability of European badger habitats. ArcGis is used to build the model. This method allowed to identify 211 potentially suitable habitats of the badger. The result of the study is a map of possible habitats of the European badger

Comparative Analysis of Rations of Przewalski’s Horse (Equus Ferus Przewalskii, Poliakov, 1881) and Bactrian Camel (Camelus Bactrianus L, 1758) Breeded in Environment of Kuma-Manuch Depression’s Steppe

As known, food supplies is one of the most important factors of populations dynamics, which depends itself on a condition of nutrition and might change within. Objective of research is comparison analysis of rations of E. przewalskii and C. bactrianus, which was semi-corral breeded on a land of a “Rostovsky” nature reserve.

Assessment of Water Pollution Level, Processes of a Nitrification and Self-Treating of Ammonium Ions in a Small Water Reservoir of Ilevna

In work data on content in Ilevna river`s water of the main anions and cations, heavy metals are submitted. The majority of the studied indicators within their maximum permissible levelshas been estab- lished. Excesses of these values were registered in four parameters. For phosphates excess of maximum permissible level is established in a source. For fluoride ion excess of the standard is revealed in the point of selection located above confluence of the Kartynriver. Up to gland maximum permissible values are exceeded in the Ilevna river estuary.

Comparative Characteristics of the Hygromorphic Composition of the Leading Families of Florae of Different Regions of Russia

Each family of higher vascular plants demonstrates a certain degree of ecological community. In this paper, the ecological characteristics of families were estimated by the ratio of groups of hygromorphs (ecological groups of species in relation to soil moisture conditions). Hygromorphs are part of the general sys- tem of plant ecomorphs, which was developed by A. L. Belgardas. The characteristics of the families of the flora of Samara region are compiled on the basis of data on 8 groups of hygromorphs.

Interrelation of Floristic and Landscape Diversity of the Territory on the Example of the Physiographic Area of Forest-Steppe Zone

Floristic diversity is part of the overall biodiversity of the area and is associated with its sustainability. At present, there are several views on the classification of biodiversity due to the rather large number of its forms. The dependence of the species richness of flora on various factors was studied in a number of works. The influence of geographic factors on the species diversity of flora within the Soksky physiographic region of the forest-steppe zone (part of the province of the High Transvolga, Samara Region) is analyzed.

Ecological and Phytocenological Characteristics of Associations of Delphinium Pubiflorum

 posed to any significant anthropogenic impact due to the sufficient remoteness and inaccessibility of habitats. The area occupied by the associations does not exceed 400 m2. The total projective cover amounts to 90–100 %. The associations are quite rich and relatively even in terms of species composition. The number of species ranges from 48 to 72, and the most homogeneous association is the one in Krasnoarmeysky raion which also occupies the smallest territory. The number of species registered in one and the same association varies from one year to the next.

Bioindication of Environmental Quality of the Yakutsk City Administrative Districts on the Basis of Leaf Fluctuating Asymmetry and Seed Quality of the Silver Birch Betula pendula Roth

The environmental quality in the territory of Yakutsk city has been assessed by the leaf fluctuating asymmetry (FA) and seed quality (germinating capacity and germination energy) of the silver birch Betula pendula Roth. A total of 2,300 birch leaves were collected at 25 sites in vicinity of roadways and 21 samples of seeds were collected in the same sites. FA level at different sites varied within 0.042–0.057, which implies that the environmental quality varied from relatively normal to critical.
