Impact of the Predator on Quality Indicators Grain of Soft Wheat
The aim of this study was to identify the effect of precursor (vapor, winter wheat) on the non-traditional selective grain quality parameter intensity of spring common wheat. The parameters include dough development time, dough stability, energy absorbed by dough while kneading and starch retrogradation coefficient. The data have been obtained using a Mixolab device. The objects of the study were 12 varieties of spring soft wheat grown in the nursery of the main competition testing laboratory of selection and seed breeding of spring soft wheat of FSBI “research Institute of the South-East”: Saratovskaya 29, Saratovskaya 55, Saratovskaya 58, Prokhorov a, Lutescens 62, Saratovskaya 60, Favorit, Saratovskaya 42, Saratovskaya 70 Saratovskaya 74, 73 Saratov, Saratov 68, of the 3 crop years: 2012, 2013, 2014 GGG. The rheological curves of dough for all samples have been obtained. The quantitative severity and variability of nontraditional grain quality features are shown. The varietal variation according to the studied quality criteria is revealed, the relationship between single-name indices in varietal samples grown on a pair and winter wheat and between non-traditional indicators within each year. Seasonal effects based on genotypic correlation co-efficient for all studied grain quality parameters of spring common wheat have been shown. According to both predecessors, there is a lack of interaction between genotype environment in terms of R5, C5.
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