Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)



Рассматриваются морфологические и генетические различия
популяций Vipera (Pelias) renardi Саратовской области и дру-
гих регионов. Анализ морфологических признаков показал
однородность исследуемых выборок. По характеру располо-
жения основных щитков между лобным и надглазничными вы-
явлено 39 вариантов. Наибольшее разнообразие комбинаций
характерно для гадюк из Калмыкии. По участку гена цитох-
рома с выявлено 8 гаплотипов, по участку гена 12S рРНК –
4 гаплотипа. Наибольшее число замен выявлено у образцов


Представлена экологическая характеристика модельного
участка природного парка «Кумысная поляна», тесно приле-
гающего к жилым массивам города. Использовались марш-
рутные, флористические, гидробиологические, сравнитель-
но-морфологические популяционные методы исследования.
Проведённое исследование выявило основные формы воз-
действия рекреации на состояние фито- и гидроценозов при-
родного парка: вытаптывание территории, замусоривание,
загрязнение и зарастание водоёмов, повреждения древес-

New Data on the Halophytic Vegetation of the Saratov Region

This article is devote to new halophytic vegetation associations of the Saratov region. The diagnostic species, full species composition, proportion of species are defined for each community. Processing and interpretation of obtained materials held in terms of ecological-floristic approach.

Current State of «Elizavetinskie Mountan Steppes»: Results of 45-years Investigation (Sverdlovsk Oblast)

Current state of the relict fragment of steppe vegetation in boreal zone was studied. At the same time the changes that have been happening during the last 45 years were revealed. Species composition stability and area reduction of the studied fragment as a consequence of Pinus sylvestris expansion were shown.

The Adaptations of Woody Plants after a Thermal Stress in the Khopyor River Region

The living state of woody plants having different levels of thermal damages in the summer of 2010 was studied. It is shown that a number of species had partial drying out and the death of trees unevenly in plantations of different age and localities. In a favourable ecological environment they remained healthy. They are mesophytes and mesohygrophytes which are on the southern border of the areas, mostly explerents. The trees and shrubs of floodplain forests and certain introducents are tolerant of a thermal stress.

Location Features and Abundance of Waterfowl in the Pond Cooler of the Balakovo Nuclear Power Plant in the Winter

On the basis of our 2003–2014 field surveys of the pond cooler of BNPP (Saratov region), peculiarities of the spatial distribution and abundance of waterfowl in the winter were revealed. The stay of 6 waterfowl species was noted during this period in different parts of the pond cooler, namely, Podiceps cristatus, Anas platyrhynchos, Aythya ferina, Aythya fuligula, Bucephala clangula, and Mergus mer- ganser. Interannual variations in the population dynamics of some birds (A. platyrhynchos, B. clangula) were significant and caused by the pre-winter weather.

Assessment of Self-purification of the Volga River Near the City of Saratov

Assess the degree of pollution and natural purification of the water environment of the Volga river near the city of Saratov. Defined indexes pollution and natural purification of the water and set classes quality of the aquatic environment.

Seasonal dynamics Individual Plot Sizes of Males and Females of the American Mink (Neovison vison Schreber, 1777) in the Saratov Region

The estimation size of individual plots the American mink on the res- ervoirs in Saratov region in the period from 2000 to 2014. The average plot size of males – 30.6 hectares, females – 27.8 hectares. During the cold period on most waters plot sizes are increased almost two- fold. Found that females go farther from the center of the rivers and streams than males (females – 203.8 m; males – 166.7 m). American mink is more inclined to the rivers with wide floodplain (?2 = 26.2; p = 0.01).

To the Question of Conservation of the Unique Halophytic Vegetation of the Saratov Region

In this article the halophytic vegetation characteristic of three unique for the Saratov region territories is considered. The information about vegetation composition, structure and rare plants species is provided. The environmental significance of each territory is evaluated and the recommendations for inclusion it’s in the new integrated natural monuments of the region are given.

Characteristics of Plants Communities with the Participation of HalocnemumStrobilaceum (Pall.) Bieb. in Saratov Region

In this article the characteristic of plant communities with the participation of Halocnemum strobilaceum in Saratov region is considered. The information about vegetation composition, structure and rare plants species is provided. The environmental significance of the territory is evaluated and the recommendations for inclusion it’s in the new integrated natural monuments of the region are given.
