Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Chemistry. Biology. Ecology

ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)

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Peculiarities of Spatial Distribution of the Bottom Fauna in the River Kan (Tributary of the Middle Yenisei, Krasnoyarsk Region)

Andrianova Anna V., Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Karepova Evgeniya D., Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Lepyavko Maxim P., Siberian Federal University

In the rivers of the Yenisei basin, benthic invertebrates play a major role in feeding most valuable Siberian fish species. This report presents advanced material on zoobenthos of the river Kan (one of the major tributaries of the Yenisei in its middle course). Litho-psammo-rheophilic biocenosis of benthic invertebrates was the most developed, 99 species and forms were recorded there. The total number of zoobenthos was formed from mayflies, caddisflies and chironomids; biomass – from caddisflies and mayflies. Correlation analysis revealed a consistent variation in the numbers of structure-forming insect orders (mayflies, stoneflies and caddisflies). The clustering of data on the number of families revealed consistency with the geographical zoning of the river Kan and the change of hydrological conditions. In the longitudinal profile of the river, there was a change of dominant families among the mayflies in Heptageniidae – Ephemerellidae – Ephemeridae; families of caddisflies – from Glossosomatidae to Hydropsychidae. The temperature of the water during the study period determined up to 30% of the variance in the number of stoneflies, dipterans, and the “other” group. For caddisflies, the influence of oxygen dissolved in water is more significant (20% of the explained dispersion). The studied area of the river Kan is a rithral zone, while the middle flow is characterized as a metarithral zone, and the lower flow is mixed with metarithral zone and hyper-rithral zone characteristics due to landscape-geomorphological features

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