Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Chemistry. Biology. Ecology

ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)

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Hormonal Regulation of Morphogenesis in the Culture of Mature Embryo in the Maize Parthenogenetic Line АТТМ (bm, wx, y)

Humood Buthaina M. H., Saratov State University
Yudakova Olga Ivanovna, Saratov State University

The article presents the results of the search for the optimal hormonal composition of the nutrient medium for the induction of direct organogenesis in the culture of mature embryos of the maize homozygous line ATTM (bm, wx, y). The mature embryos isolated from kernels were used as the primary explant. The 11 media variants were tested for induction of direct organogenesis: MS without hormones (control) and with phytohormones in different concentrations and combinations. The presence of BAP in the medium as a single growth regulator or in combination with other hormones ensured shoot multiplication. The largest number of axillary shoots on the explant (on average 7,07) developed on a medium with 2,0 mg/l BAP. However, long-term cultivation on this medium led to the development of many microshoots that were difficult to separate from each other and which did not survive after being transferred on a fresh nutrient medium. In some cases, floral hemogenesis was also observed. In order to exclude these phenomena the explants were transferred onto a medium with a low concentration of BAP (0,2 mg/l) after two months of cultivation. Thus, in the ATTM (bm, wx, y) line effective shoot multiplication by direct organogenesis is achieved by explant cultivation on MS medium with 2,0 mg/l BAP for 2 months with followed subcultivation on MS medium with 0,2 mg/l BAP.

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