Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)


Features of the developmental biology of Orthosiphon aristatus (Lamiaceae) under the conditions of introduction on the Southern coast of the Crimea

The paper presents the results of the study of the biological features of Orthosiphon aristatus (Blume) Miq. (awned orthosiphon) in open ground conditions on the Southern Coast of the Crimea and in a greenhouse. Features of fl owering, structure of male and female generative structures are revealed.

Soil-ecological assessment of saffl ower growing conditions (Carthamus tinctorius L.) in the Central Black Earth region of Russia and Central Asia

The features of the development of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) in regions that are significantly remote geographically and differ sharply in environmental and climatic conditions – Central Asia (Republic of Tajikistan, Sughd region; Republic of Kazakhstan, Zhambyl region) and the Central Black Earth region of the Russian Federation (Voronezh region). A comparative analysis of the development of C.

Tulipa sylvestris L. in the collection of the Central Siberian Botanical Garden of the SB RAS

The article presents the results of a long-term introduction of Tulipa sylvestris L. in the SB RAS Central Botanical Garden collection. Plants of the species T. sylvestris bloom abundantly and have a reproductive factor of 1–2 for the daughter bulbs. It was found that the short phase of fl owering is characterized by smooth temperature changes, the most dramatic for a long period. We also established a direct dependence of the duration of the fl owering period on the amount of precipitation during this period, the correlation coeffi cient was 0,7.

Morphometry and seed productivity of some representatives of the Lamiaceae family of a plot of medicinal plants of the Botanical Garden of the Orеnburg State University

Data on the study of morphometric parameters of medicinal plants such as Hyssopus offi cinalis L. and Nepeta pannonica L., which are part of the collection of medicinal plants of the Botanical Garden of the Orеnburg State University, are presented. It was found that the studied species successfully adapt to new growing conditions, since the parameters of morphometry vary within the medium to very high levels of variability. However, Nepeta pannonica L.

Brunnera – Rare Decorative Culture for Shadow Garden

The assortment of plants for a shadow garden in Bashkortostan, and also regions of South Urals is insignificant, it is not enough data on features of biology of shade and shade-enduring plants. Among them there are species and sorts of Brunnera Stev. genus. Brunnera are decorative and deciduous and beautiful-blossoming plants with the long period of blossoming. Studying of some biological features (seasonal rhythm of growth and development, morphometric param- eters, introduced stability) of five sorts of B.

Special Features of Flowering in Some Clematis L. Species and Forms from Nikita Botanical Gardens Collection

In the studies of ornamental plants seasonal development, flowering rhythms are exceptionally important, since the main criteria for the ornamental value of plants used for landscaping, are the time and duration of their flowering. The aim of the present work was to identify special features of flowering in some Clematis L. species and forms from Nikita Botanical Gardens collection. The objects of this study were 16 taxa. The methodology was based on the principles of introductory studies. Phenological and mathematical methods were applied.

Biometric Characteristics and Aerodynamic Properties of Pollen Grains of North American Pines under Conditions of the Southern Coast of the Crimea

The results of the study of biometric characteristics and aerodynamic properties of pollen of North American species: Pinus radiata D. Don, Pinus sabiniana Douglas, Pinus coulteri D. Don and autochthonous Pinus nigra subsp. pallasiana (Lamb.) Holmboe, grown on the Southern Coast of the Crimea (SCC) are presented. The differences in the size of the pollen grains and their individual parameters are revealed. The pollen of introduced species is characterized by large sizes in comparison with native species.

Current Status of the Collection Fund of the Laboratory of Ornamental Plants of the Russian Academy of Sciences

The Collection Fund of the Laboratory of Ornamental Plants of the Main Botanical Garden named after N. V. Tsitsin of the Russian Academy of Sciences has currently 1055 species and varieties, as well as 4 995 varieties and garden forms. It was created on the basis of classical methods of introduction, such as (ecology)-geographical, phytocoenotic and the method of generic complexes. At the same time, the modern policy of forming the collection fund is aimed at creating not only large but also unique collections.

Morphobiology and assessment of the introduction possibilities of Leonurus cardiaca L.

The data on the study of morphometric parameters of one of the most valuable medicinal plants – Leonurus cardiaca L., growing in the collection site of medicinal plants of the Botanical garden of the OSU are presented. The parameters of samples, obtained from the cities of Samara and Kazan were compared . All the studied plants have passed the full cycle of their development with the formation of viable seeds.

Introduction of sorts of Clematis L. genus in the South-Ural Botanical Garden-Institute of UFRC RAS

The article presents the results of a long-term of study of biological features of 54 sorts of Clematis L. genus of collection of the SouthUral Botanical Garden-Institute of UFRC RAS. The aim of the work was to summarize the introduction studies for the possibility of successful use of clematis sorts in vertical gardening in the Bashkir Cis-Urals and adjacent territories.
