For citation:
Gerasimovich L. V. Tulipa sylvestris L. in the collection of the Central Siberian Botanical Garden of the SB RAS. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Chemistry. Biology. Ecology, 2022, vol. 22, iss. 2, pp. 177-186. DOI: 10.18500/1816-9775-2022-22-2-177-186
Tulipa sylvestris L. in the collection of the Central Siberian Botanical Garden of the SB RAS
The article presents the results of a long-term introduction of Tulipa sylvestris L. in the SB RAS Central Botanical Garden collection. Plants of the species T. sylvestris bloom abundantly and have a reproductive factor of 1–2 for the daughter bulbs. It was found that the short phase of fl owering is characterized by smooth temperature changes, the most dramatic for a long period. We also established a direct dependence of the duration of the fl owering period on the amount of precipitation during this period, the correlation coeffi cient was 0,7. Under the conditions of the CSBG, the species introduced T. sylvestris increased the parameters of the morphometric characters and decreased the indicators of an important decorative feature – the length of the petal. The number of days with of temperatures above zero and the number of sunny days have a signifi cant impact on the quantity and parameters of vegetative organs. The amount of precipitation has a positive effect on the length of the anther, thus increasing the length of the stamen. The length of the fi lament and the height of the goblet also depend on the number of sunny days. The result can be considered an assessment of the success of the introduction, which for individuals of the species T. sylvestris was six points out of seven. The evaluation of resistance to introduction showed that plants of this species can be considered highly resistant in cultivation.
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