Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Chemistry. Biology. Ecology

ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)

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Brunnera – Rare Decorative Culture for Shadow Garden

Zhigunov O Y, Botanical Garden-Institute (Ufa)
Karimova O A, Botanical Garden-Institute (Ufa)
Anishchenko I Y, Botanical Garden-Institute (Ufa)

The assortment of plants for a shadow garden in Bashkortostan, and also regions of South Urals is insignificant, it is not enough data on features of biology of shade and shade-enduring plants. Among them there are species and sorts of Brunnera Stev. genus. Brunnera are decorative and deciduous and beautiful-blossoming plants with the long period of blossoming. Studying of some biological features (seasonal rhythm of growth and development, morphometric param- eters, introduced stability) of five sorts of B. macrophylla: «Hadspen Cream», «Jack Frost», «Looking Glass», «Silver Wings», «Variegata» on the collection site «Shadow garden» in Botanical garden institute of Ufa Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences was the purpose of work. These sorts are long-vegetative spring-summer- autumn-green plants with the period of winter rest, spring term of awakening, with the late spring period of blossoming. The most tall sorts are «Jack Frost» and “Hadspen Cream». «Hadspen Cream» differs in high rates on number of generative escapes, leaves on generative escape, flowers in an inflorescence, length of leaf and inflorescence. Least of peduncules are formed at «Jack Frost», but it has large inflorescences and many radical leaves. A few flowers in an inflorescence are noted at «Looking Glass». Researches showed that the majority of morphometric parameters of the studied sorts of Brunnera possesses normal degree of variation. Parameters have the least variability: length of leaf at «Silver Wings» and «Looking Glass» and width of inflorescence at «Jack Frost». The studied sorts successfully passed introduced tests under the conditions of the Bashkir Cis-Urals. The culture is perspective for cultivation in shadow gardens for Ufa city and other cities of South Urals. 


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