Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Chemistry. Biology. Ecology

ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)

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Morphobiology and assessment of the introduction possibilities of Leonurus cardiaca L.

Pikalova Ekaterina V., Orenburg State Agrarian University
Kukhlevskaya Yulia F., Orenburg State Agrarian University

The data on the study of morphometric parameters of one of the most valuable medicinal plants – Leonurus cardiaca L., growing in the collection site of medicinal plants of the Botanical garden of the OSU are presented. The parameters of samples, obtained from the cities of Samara and Kazan were compared . All the studied plants have passed the full cycle of their development with the formation of viable seeds. It is established, that the studied species adapts well to new growing conditions, while the morphometric parameters vary within the middle – very high levels of variability. Analysis of seed morphometry showed that the maximum values of the length and width of the seed are typical for samples from Kazan, the weight of 1000 seeds varies from 7.3 g to 9.2 g, depending on the weather conditions of a particular year of research. The assessment of introduction resistance made it possible to classify the species as stable and promising for cultivation.

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