Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Chemistry. Biology. Ecology

ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)

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Current Status of the Collection Fund of the Laboratory of Ornamental Plants of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Bondorina Irina A., Mail Botanical Garden Russian Academy of Science
Kabanov Alexander V., Mail Botanical Garden Russian Academy of Science
Mamaeva Natal’ya A., Mail Botanical Garden Russian Academy of Science
Khokhlacheva Julia A., Mail Botanical Garden Russian Academy of Science
Bumbeeva Lubov’ I., Mail Botanical Garden Russian Academy of Science

The Collection Fund of the Laboratory of Ornamental Plants of the Main Botanical Garden named after N. V. Tsitsin of the Russian Academy of Sciences has currently 1055 species and varieties, as well as 4 995 varieties and garden forms. It was created on the basis of classical methods of introduction, such as (ecology)-geographical, phytocoenotic and the method of generic complexes. At the same time, the modern policy of forming the collection fund is aimed at creating not only large but also unique collections. So, in the status of large mono-collections there are generic complexes such as Paeonia, Rosa, Syringa, Tulipa. Varieties of domestic selection are widely represented in the collections of Dendranthema, Lilium, Phlox, Clematis. The collections of Narcissus, Hemerocallis, Tulipa are aimed at preserving the retro varieties. The main stages of microevolutionary development of culture are demonstrated in the case of the genera Astilbe and Iris. The exposition “The Shadow Garden”, which has existed for more than 70 years, was created on of the site of an indigenous oak grove. An ecotron was created displaying the exposition of rocky plants.


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