Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)


Some cyano-substituted spiro-linked pyrazolines and pyrrolidines with antimicrobial activity

This work summarizes one-pot synthetic approaches to spiro-fused (di)azoles, which are promising in terms of studying biological activity. Proposed approaches involve condensation reactions of (hetero)cyclic ketones, methylene active moieties, and N-nucleophiles, occurring under mild conditions by both stepwise and concerted mechanisms. The antimicrobial activity of signals from the proposed approaches of cyanosubstituted spiro-membered pyrazolines and pyrrolidines against gram-negative (P. aeruginosa, E. coli) and gram-positive (S.

5-(1-Aryl-3-oxo-3-phenylpropyl)-2,2-dimethyl-1,3-dioxane-4,6-diones: synthesis and reactions with N-nucleophiles

2,2-Dimethyl-1,3-dioxane-4,6-dione (Meldrum acid, isopropylidenmalonate) is widely used by synthetic chemists due to its structural features. The dual nature of the reactivity of Meldrum acid (both electrophilic and/or nucleophilic reagent) determines the synthetic value in the construction of new heterocyclic systems with practically signifi cant properties. A wide range of biological activity has been revealed in a number of compounds containing a 2,2-dimethyl-1,3-dioxane-4,6-dione fragment in their structure.

Quantum Chemical Study and QSAR Properties of 3-Seleno- pentanediones-1,5 Aromatic Derivatives: Prerequisites for Inter­ action with the Carbohydrate-Binding Proteins

The role of spatial and electronic  structure, hydrophobic  properties and concentration of organoselenium compounds  on their interaction with fungal metabolites  - carbohydrate-binding proteins, extracellular lectins  of Lentinula edodes (shiitake mushroom) has  been consi­ dered. By  the hybrid density  functional theory  method at the B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) theory  level, spatial and electronic  structure of the 1,5-di(4-R-phenyl)-3-selenopentanediones-1,5 molecules  has  been studied.

Synthesis of spiropyrrolizidines containing quinoxaline and pyrrole fragments

The reaction of 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition azomethine ylides obtained by the in situ interaction of 11H-indeno[1,2-b]quinoxalin-11-one and proline, and 3-phenyl-1-pyrrolyl-2-en-1-ones has been used for the synthesis of substituted spiropyrrolizidines in continuation of the study the use of new enones as dipolarophiles. The conditions for the implementation of a three-component synthesis (temperature regime, solvent, activation method) are selected. The best performance has been obtained by refl uxing the reaction mixture in ethanol.

Preparation of new substituted imidazolone derivatives based on 1-(2-oxo-2-phenylethylidene)pyrrolo[3,2,1-ij]quinolin-2-ones

This work demonstrates the possibility of obtaining new biologically active molecules containing a privileged imidazolone fragment by the Brønsted acid-catalyzed reaction of 1,3-dimethylurea with 1-(2-oxo-2-phenylethylidene)pyrrolo[3,2,1-ij]quinolin-2-ones. The presence of an active oxoylidene system in ones makes it possible to introduce these compounds into cyclization reactions with various binucleophilic agents.

Interaction of 3H-furan-2-ones and 4-oxobutanoic acids with 2-(aminophenyl)methanol

Reactions of 4-oxobutanoic acids as well as their cyclic analogues 3H-furan-2-ones with 1,3-binucleophilic reagent (2-aminophenyl) methanol lead to the formation of 1-R-5H-benzo[d]pyrrolo[2,1-b][1,3]oxazines and 3a-R-2,3,3a-trihydro-5H-benzo[d]pyrrolo[2,1-b][1,3]oxazin1-ones, respectively. Quantum-chemical calculations of the Fukui reactivity indices and local hardness have substantiated the mechanisms of the reactions carried out.

Получение новых замещённых имидазолоновых производных на основе 1-(2-оксо-2-фенилэтилиден)пирроло[3,2,1-ij]хинолин-2-онов

В настоящей работе продемонстрирована возможность получения новых биологически активных молекул, содержащих в своей структуре привилегированный фрагмент имидазолона, посредством катализируемого кислотой Бренстеда взаимодействия 1,3-диметилмочевины с 1-(2-оксо-2-фенилэтилиден)пирроло[3,2,1-ij]хинолин-2-онами. Наличие активной оксоилиденовой системы в последних позволяет вводить данные соединения в реакции циклизации с различными бинуклеофильными агентами.


Найдены условия препаративного синтеза функционально заме-
щенных 1,3,4-тиадиазолинов, дигидро-1Н-пиримидин- и гес ка гидро-
1Н-хиназолин-2-тионов на основе ?-аминокетонов. Пред ставлены
схемы гетероциклизации карбонильных и тиокарбамидных суб-
стратов. Установлена регио- и стереонаправленность процессов.


Впервые выявлена интенсивно красная пигментация мицелия,
обусловленная накоплением элементного селена в резуль-
тате трансформации селенорганического соединения выс-
шим грибом Lentinula edodes (шиитаке). Исследовано влияние
1,5-дифенил-3-селенпентандиона-1,5 (диацетофенонилселенид,
препарат ДАФС-25) на рост съедобного гриба Lentinula edodes
в условиях жидкофазного и твердофазного культивирования.
Обнаруженное явление стимуляции роста мицелия предположи-
тельно связано с антиоксидантными свойствами селена, благо-

Stereochemical Aspects of Reaction of 1,3-dipolar Cycloaddition in a Row of Conjugated Enones

The reaction of 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of conjugated aryl(hetaryl) methylideneacetones, which containing various peripheral substituents, with azomethine ylides was carried out. It was established that the interaction is not chemoselective and proceeds with the participation of two non-equivalent reaction centers of dipolarophile with high diastereoselectivity. The products of cycloaddition were a mixture of structural isomers endo-cycloaddition. Monoenone transform to spyropyrrolidines with high endo-stereoselectivity.
