Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Chemistry. Biology. Ecology

ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)

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Induction of Direct Organogenesis in the Culture of Mature Embryo in Maize

Humood Buthaina M. H., Saratov State University
Yudakova Olga Ivanovna, Saratov State University

Regeneration of plants in vitro through direct organogenesis allows the avoidance of somaclonal variation. The aim of our study was the induction of direct organogenesis in the culture of mature embryo in maize lines created at Saratov State University: ATTM (bm, wx, y), ATTM (bm, y), ATTM (bm, g, V-type CMS), AT-3 (4n). These lines are characterized by genetic predisposition to parthenogenesis. The mature embryos isolated from sterile grains were used as a primary explant. Murashige-Skoogha (MS) supplemented with vitamins ac- cording to the recipe, 20 g/l sucrose, 7 g/l agar (Panreac) without hormones was the most optimal for the initiation of a sterile culture. After 7 days of cultivation, the seedlings were cut and transferred to the MS medium, supplemented with 0,5 and 2,0 mg/l BAP (6-ben- zylaminopurine). Callus was not forming. Axillary buds and then axillary shoots were developed in the area of the seedlings' nodes. The timing of the axillary bud development, the number of buds and the length of the axillary shoots depended on the concentration of BAP in the medium. The results showed that MS medium supplemented with 2,0 mg/l BAP is more effective for the induction of direct organogen- esis in the studied lines. Axillary buds (3-10) were laid in the 1–2nd week of cultivation on this medium. After 5 weeks of cultivation, the regenerant was a bundle of 5–10 shoots 10–15 mm long. Developed shoots were transferred, without dividing, on the MS medium without hormones or with 0,2 mg/l BAP for elongation. The elongation of the shoots occurred on the medium with a low concentration of BAP. This made it possible to separate the shoots and translate them on the medium with auxins for rooting.

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