Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Chemistry. Biology. Ecology

ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)

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Modified Potentiometric Sensors of Various Types for Ceftriaxone Determination

Kulapina Elena Grigorievna, Saratov State University
Chanina Viktoria V., Saratov State University

The planar unmodified and modified by polyaniline, nanoparticles and their binary mixtures potentiometric sensors of various types were manufactured on the basis of tetradecylammonium associates (TDA) with complex connections silver (I) – ceftriaxone (Ag (I) – Ceftr). In sensors of I type electroactive components (EAC) and modifiers were brought in carboniferous ink. The polyvinylchloride plasticized unmodified and modified membranes on the basis [Ag2 (Ceftr)2] 2- · 2TDA were used in the sensors of II type; C (EAC) = 1,2,3%. Polyaniline (0.3–1.0%), nanoparticles of NiZnFeO and their binary mixtures were used as a modifiers. Electroanalytical and operational characteristics of the unmodified and modified planar sensors in ceftriaxone solutions were estimated. It was shown that introduction of modifiers to sensor membranes led to stabilization of their potential, to the increase of the slopes of electrode functions, to reduction of the limit of antibiotic detection up to 1.7·10-5 M, to reduction of the time of response and drift of potential. NiZnFeO nanoparticles turned out to be the most effective modifier. The use of planar sensors for ceftriaxone determination in model water solutions and oral fluid was shown.

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