Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)

Saratov Region

Biological Properties of Bacteria – Assiociants Schizaphis graminum Rondani, 1852

The biological features of associative microorganisms Schizaphis graminum in the Saratov Region were studied. 3 species of bacteria from genera Bacillus were isolated. 100% of the species are able to use glucose and xylose; 66,7% – saccharose and mannitol. Alkaline pH is preferred 100% of the isolates. Bacillus clausii, B. oleronius and B. soli have nitrogenase activity and are able to utilize nitrate

New Data about Syntaxonomic Diversity of Halophytic Vegetation in the Saratov Region

In this article the new halophytic vegetation associations from the territory of far Saratov left Volga bank regions are characterizing. The information about vegetation composition, structure and rare plants species is provided. The recommendations for conservation all new vegetation communities in the new integrated natural monuments of the region are given.

Features of Species Diagnostics of the Imago of the Subfamily of Chironominae from Floodplane Lakes of Volga River (Saratov Region). At Research of Flows of Substance and Energy between Water and Land Ecosystems

Key to the subfamilies of chironomids (Chironominae) based on the morphology of the male genitalia includes 16 genus and 45 species found in the Volga river floodplain lakes (Saratov region). For the six species of the four genera of the tribe Chironomini (Einfeldia sp.1, Chironomus sp. (Lobochironomus), Dicrotendipes sp.1, Dicrotendipes sp.2, Parachironomus sp., Polypedilum sp.) described morphological differences from the known and the most directly comparable species. 

New Data on Distribution of Some Protected Species of Plants Saratov Region

The paper presents new data on the distribution of 22 species listed in the Red Book of the Saratov region (2006).

Rare Halophytes Plants Communities of the Saratov Region. Message 1. Vegetation of Brackish Water and Hydromorphic Solonchaks

This article is devoted to description rare halophytes plants communities of Saratov region, growing in brackish water and in hydromorphic solonchaks. Each community is assessed on a number of grounds, reflecting its composition, structure, functional status, the presence of rare species of plants, the degree and type of rarity. All сcommunities are recommended for protection at the regional level. The basis for the monitoring of their condition is provided. Information about the regional rare galophytic communities are provided for the first time.

New Information about Rare Plants Halophytes Species of Saratov Region. Materials to the Third Edition of the Regional Red Book

In this article the information extending the submission about dissemination of the Saratov region several protected halophytes plants species is provided. New data about the number of cenopopulations some species of saline soils and communities with their participation is considered. Two new plants species are recommended for inclusion in the third edition of the Saratov region Red Book.

To the Question of Distribution of the Lemnaceaes’ Species and Communities with Their Participation in the Saratov Region

The article presents the materials of the distribution of five species of the Lemnaceae in the Saratov region on the basis of materials of herbarium SSU (SARAT) and authors’ field notes.

New Floristic Finds in the Saratov Region

Provides information about finding new species of flora of the Saratov region Hibiscus triynum and Thesium moesiacum, and clarifies the distribution of rare in the Saratov region Sonchus palustris and Conringia orientalis.

Adonis Wolgensis Coenopopulation State in Saratov Region

This article devoted to the patterns of Adonis wolgensis coenopopulations in the Saratov region. The number of coenopopulation, habitats  ecology, ontogenetic structure and the degree of anthropogenic transformation are considered. .

Importance of the Saratov Region Red Book for the Preservation of Biological Diversity

The article discusses the importance of the Red Book for the preservation of biological diversity of rare and endangered species in the Saratov region. It is noted that at the present time 578 species of plants, fungi and animals are critically endangered.
