Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)

Saratov Region

Results of monitoring of reintroduced populations of Calophaca wolgarica in the Saratov region

For 11 years, the staff of the Scientifi c Research Center “Botanical Garden” of SSU named after N.G. Chernyshevsky have been reintroducing a rare protected plant, Calophaca wolgarica (L. fi l.) DC., into potentially suitable places in the Saratov Region. This species is considered extinct in the region. Restoration of the species in the Saratov Region will expand its range, increase the biodiversity of the local fl ora and enrich biogeocenoses. Seed material for the reintroduction of C. wolgarica was collected from natural cenopopulations in the Volgograd Region.

On the distribution of Allium caeruleum and A. regelianum (Alliaceae Borkh.) in the territory of the Saratov region

Concerning the distribution of Allium caeruleum Pall. and A. regelianum A. K. Becker, recent literary sources provide confl icting information. Based on the data from the doctoral dissertation of A. O. Tarasov, the results of expeditionary research and our own herbarium collections, it is stated that Allium caeruleum is distributed in the Ozinsky (at least in the vicinity of the village of Nepryakin) and in the Aleksandrovo-Gaisky (at least in the vicinity of the village of Kamyshki) districts of the Saratov region. The presence of A.

Flora of water bodies and streams in Saratov region: The history of research and the current status

. Water plants and coastal riparian plants are an integral part of the habitat forming component of water ecosystems in Saratov region. This article gives a review of long-term research of fl ora in many water reservoirs and water streams of the Saratov region. The analysis of literature in its historical aspect showed that the degree of scientifi c knowledge about water fl ora in the Saratov region is still insuffi cient despite multiple research projects conducted at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries.

Analysis of the distribution and populations structure of Hedysarum grandifl orum Pall. (Fabaceae) in the southern part of the Volga Upland

For the fi rst time in the southern part of the Volga Upland, a detailed study of the population distribution and structure of rare and protected species Hedysarum grandifl orum Pall., listed in the Red Books of the Russian Federation (2008) and the Saratov Region (2021), was carried out. The study was conducted in 2007–2021. To identify the distribution, data from routine observations and information from herbarium specimens, literary data and oral reports were used.

Gamasid mites (Mesostigmata: Gamasina) sampled in uninhabited nests of the common vole Microtus arvalis s. l. (Rodentia: Cricetidae) on the territory of the Dukhovnitsky district of the Saratov region

The results of a parasitological study of uninhabited nests of the common vole Microtus arvalis s.l., collected on territory of the Dukhovnitsky district of the Saratov Region in April 2019 are presented. We identifi ed nine species of gamasid mites associated with nests of the common vole. For the fi rst time, Laelaps algericus Hirst., 1925, was recorded for the fauna of the Dukhovnitsky district of the Saratov Region. We found two new to Saratov region genera of free-living mites (without species identifi cation): Laelaspis A.

Materials to the Study of the Lichen Flora of the National Park «Khvalynsky» (Saratov Region)

The article presents the results of lichens’ research of the National Park «Khvalynsky» in 2011–2013 and data processing of herbarium collection SARAT and other researchers. The annotated list is pre- sented. It includes 65 species. Among them one specie (Cladonia acuminata) is new for the Saratov Region, two species (Cladonia decorticata, Cl. botrytes) are new for the Privolzhskaya Upland.

New Data on the Halophytic Vegetation of the Saratov Region

This article is devote to new halophytic vegetation associations of the Saratov region. The diagnostic species, full species composition, proportion of species are defined for each community. Processing and interpretation of obtained materials held in terms of ecological-floristic approach.

Location Features and Abundance of Waterfowl in the Pond Cooler of the Balakovo Nuclear Power Plant in the Winter

On the basis of our 2003–2014 field surveys of the pond cooler of BNPP (Saratov region), peculiarities of the spatial distribution and abundance of waterfowl in the winter were revealed. The stay of 6 waterfowl species was noted during this period in different parts of the pond cooler, namely, Podiceps cristatus, Anas platyrhynchos, Aythya ferina, Aythya fuligula, Bucephala clangula, and Mergus mer- ganser. Interannual variations in the population dynamics of some birds (A. platyrhynchos, B. clangula) were significant and caused by the pre-winter weather.

To the Question of Conservation of the Unique Halophytic Vegetation of the Saratov Region

In this article the halophytic vegetation characteristic of three unique for the Saratov region territories is considered. The information about vegetation composition, structure and rare plants species is provided. The environmental significance of each territory is evaluated and the recommendations for inclusion it’s in the new integrated natural monuments of the region are given.

Characteristics of Plants Communities with the Participation of HalocnemumStrobilaceum (Pall.) Bieb. in Saratov Region

In this article the characteristic of plant communities with the participation of Halocnemum strobilaceum in Saratov region is considered. The information about vegetation composition, structure and rare plants species is provided. The environmental significance of the territory is evaluated and the recommendations for inclusion it’s in the new integrated natural monuments of the region are given.
