For citation:
Galitskaya A. A., Galitskaya A. A., Nikitina V. E., Babitskaya V. G., Shcherba V. V., Puchkova T. A. Characterization of Glycoproteinaceous Metabolites from the Xylotrophic Basidiomycete Lentinus edodes under Submerged and Surface Cultivation. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Chemistry. Biology. Ecology, 2010, vol. 10, iss. 1, pp. 29-35. DOI: 10.18500/1816-9775-2010-10-1-29-35
Characterization of Glycoproteinaceous Metabolites from the Xylotrophic Basidiomycete Lentinus edodes under Submerged and Surface Cultivation
The exo- and endoglycopolymers of the fungus L. edodes were found to be glycoproteins that, by their monomeric composition, were hete- roglycans with glucose as the predominant monomer. The structure of the exo- and endoglycoproteins formed by the fungus was found to depend to some extent on the cultivation method used. The carbohy drate moieties of the exo- and endoglycoproteins were represented by branched glycans containing a- and 0-glycosidic links. The main chain was represented by glycans with the Ci—>Сз glycosidic links, and the sidechains contained glycans with the Ci—>Сд and Ci—>Ce glycosidic links.
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