Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)


Влияние лектина бацилл на естественную микрофлору кишечника крыс при антибиотико-ассоциированном дисбактериозе

Показано, что лектин Paenibacillus polymyxa 1460 (ЛII) способен нормализовать микрофлору толстого кишечника в условиях дисбактериоза в организме животных, выполняя роль пребиотика.

Study of influence of Film Coatings on the Basis of Exopolisaccharides of Lactic Acid Bacteria on the Healing of Burns in Rats

Was studied the influence of film coatings, created on the basis of exopolysaccharides (EPS) of lactic acid bacteria Lactococcus lactis B-1662 and Streptococcus thermophilus, on the healing of burn wounds in female rats. It has been established that film coatings contribute, albeit to varying degrees, to the healing of burns of grade IIIa in rats. The application of film coatings to the burn site was carried out immediately after the burn was reproduced and then daily for 28 days.

The Study of Lymphatic Draina ge Function of the Brain After Opening the Blood-Brain Barrier and During Drugged Sleep

In studies on male adult rats, the activation of the functions of the lymphatic system of the brain (LSM) was studied during drugged sleep and after the opening of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) by sound. The cleaning and drainage functions of LSM were studied by removing contrast agents from the brain in real time using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and optical coherence tomography (OCT).