Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)

квантовые точки

Synthesis and some properties of colloidal quantum dots of mercury selenide

The synthesis of colloidal quantum dots of mercury selenide using mercury oxide as a precursor is proposed. The proposed method is characterized by the use of a less toxic component in the reaction mixture - mercury oxide. The transmission electron microscopy method established an average diameter of 5–6 nm and the shape of quantum dots. A histogram of the size distribution of synthesized nanoparticles is presented. An important property of the synthesized nanoparticles is the crystal structure established by X-ray diff raction analysis.

Синтез гидрофобных и гидрофильных квантовых точек ядро - оболочка

Синтезированы полупроводниковые квантовые точки структуры ядро – оболочка на осно-
ве селенида кадмия. Для увеличения яркости флуоресценции ядра селенида кадмия диа-
метром менее 3 нм были покрыты сульфидом цинка, ядра селенида кадмия с бo?льшим
диаметром были покрыты по методу послойного наращивания оболочками сульфида кад-
мия и цинка. Для перевода полученных гидрофобных квантовых точек в воду использова-
ли метод замены лигандов и покрытие амфифильным полимером. Показано, что кванто-

The Studying of Components Ratio Influence in Mixed Monolayers of Quantum Dots and Arac hidic Acid on the Films Morphology Based on Them

The formation process of quantum dots stabilized by the trioctylphosphine oxide and arachidic acid molecules mixed monolayers was studied. An equation that determines a dependence of numbers of organic matrix molecules that separates quantum dots on e from each other in the close-packing Langmuir monolayer from quantum dots size was proposed. An existence of minimal numbers of organic matrix molecules for changing and tuning a distance between quantu m dots in the Langmuir monolayer was shown.

Effect of sulfur solvent on the properties of lead sulfide quantum dots

Colloidal quantum dots (QDs) of lead sulfide have been synthesized and investigated using octadecene and white spirit as a solvent for sulfur, varying the concentration of precursors and the temperature of the process. A method has been proposed for the synthesis of these QDs using anhydrous white spirit as a solvent at a temperature of 200° C, which made it possible to obtain polygonal nanoparticles with an average diameter of 2 to 3.2 nm with a minimum spread in size (± 10%).

Synthesis and study of some properties of colloidal quantum dots of indium antimonide

Colloidal quantum dots of indium antimonide have been synthesized by a known technique. The shape and average diameters of quantum dots have been investigated by transmission electron microscopy using a transmission microscope. Controlling the size and shape of colloidal QDs provides information on the formation of the crystal structure of nanoparticles and their possible physical and optical properties. It has been found that InSb quantum dots are characterized by a polygonal shape.