Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)


The effect of metal salts on the activity of the phenol oxidase complex enzymes of bacteria of the genus Azospirillum

. Recently, much attention has been paid to the development of technologies for biodegradation of organopollutants and the search for promising biodestructors. The environmental accumulation of lignin-like compounds and synthetic dyes poses a huge threat not only to ecosystems and biodiversity, but also to human health. Phenol oxidases are enzymes with broad substrate specifi city, with oxidizing ability towards various polyphenols and aromatic amines. Therefore the use of phenol oxydases as bioremediation agents is promising due to their unique catalytic properties.

Влияние условий культивирования на лигнин-пероксидазную активность эндофитного и эпифитного штаммов AZOSPIRILLUM BRASILENSE

Установлено различие в лигнин-пероксидазной активности эндо-
фитного и эпифитного штаммов бактерий рода Azospirillum. Вы-
явлена зависимость активности лигнин-пероксидазы от возраста
культуры, температуры выращивания, присутствия источников
азота и углерода в среде культивирования. Обнаружено стиму-
лирование активности лигнин-пероксидазы соединением арома-
тической природы.

Screening of Genus Azospirillum for their Ability to Produce Extracellular Lignin-Peroxidase and the Degradation of Model Lignin Compounds and Azo Dyes

Lignin peroxidase is one of the main enzymes of fungi decomposers of wood, that is capable to many non-specific oxidation of aromatic and polycyclic compounds. By the beginning of our research there were virtually no data of the bacteria’s ability to produce the lignin peroxidase. Rather recently lignin peroxidase activity was detected by us in the washouts from the surface of the bacterial cells and in intracellular extracts of bacteria from genus Azospirillum.