Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)

Dunaliella salina

Colormetric system for monitoring the growth of microalgae Dunaliella salina under laboratory conditions

The brackish microalgae Dunaliella salina, being an extremophilic halophyte, is a promising object for biotechnological production. The aim of this work is to develop a methodology for non-destructive control of the development of a microalgae culture under conditions of balanced growth during periodic cultivation on plates. Before the start of the experiment, the microalgae culture was synchronized. The quantitative content of chlorophylls a and b, as well as carotenoids, was determined spectrophotometrically in alcohol extracts.

Cytotoxicity Evaluation of Ionic and Colloidal Gold on the Microalga Dunaliella Salina in Microplate Test System

Gold nanoparticles are intensively studied in biomedicine. Evaluation of their biocompatibility is highly important. In aquatic systems, microalgae, being the primary producers, are the base of the trophic webs. They are the first target for most of the pollutants present in the medium. To study the toxicity of ionic and colloidal gold on the saltwater microalga Dunaliella salina. To describe several physicochemical characteristics of nanomaterials that affect their toxicological efficiency.