Expiratory Lung Volumes of Young People at Rest and Recovery Period after a Dosed Physical Load
The present research is devoted to the problems of a complex estimation of functional reserves of the respiratory system of young untrained persons staying in the different conditions of life. The lung function of healthy young female persons at rest and after dosed physical activity, which used the sample of Martin, was investigated by standard and forced methods of spirometry. Respiratory volume, reserve volume of exhalation, vital capacity of lungs, expiratory forced vital capacity of the lungs, second and two-second expiratory fraction forced vital capacity of the lungs, forced reserve volume expiratory and its momentary fraction were measured by diagnostic complex «Valenta» and differential electronic spirometer, index Tiffno–Votchala and index second forced expiratory were calculated. The decrease in vital capacity and tidal volume as compared to the age regulations was found of examinees at rest. There was decline in forced expira- tory characterizing force reductions auxiliary expiratory muscles in the early recovery period after Martin test, – reduction of the index of forced expiratory second and tidal volume and normal (unforced) lung capacity in the early recovery period after the test of Martin. Based on the results of analysis were developed regression math- ematical models, designed for the rapid assessment of conformity of real values of parameters of the functional state of the respiratory system and their expected (predicted) values in young women after a physical load of low power that can be used for studies of the General adaptive capacity of the person.
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