Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Chemistry. Biology. Ecology

ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)

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Phase Equilibria in the Ternary System “Potassium Iodide – Water – Tert-Butyl Alcohol” within 5–30°C

Varlamova T. M., Saratov State University

Studying of the influence of the salt nature and temperature on the liquid-liquid equilibrium in the ternary systems “salt – binary solvent” is topical for the development of the salting-in–salting- out theory. In addition, the ternary potassium iodide-water-alcohol systems are constituents of the quaternary iodine – potassium iodide – water – alcohol ones, studying of which is of practical interest in terms of determining the mixed solvent compositions with the highest iodine-dissolving power. In this paper, phase equilibria and critical phenomena in the ternary system “potassium iodide – water – tert-butyl alcohol” were studied by the visual-polythermal method within 5–30°C and salt solubility values in the water-alcohol mixtures were obtained. The temperature of the critical tie line of monotectic equilibrium was found (10.3°C), corresponding to the beginning of delamination in the system under study. Phase equi- libria polytherms of the studied cuts of the KI–H2O–t-BuOH system were plotted and the dependences of the contents of potassium iodide and tert-butyl alcohol in critical solutions on temperature were established. The results of our polythermal studies were used to construct the isothermal phase diagrams of the ternary KI–H2O–t-BuOH system at several temperatures.

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