Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Chemistry. Biology. Ecology

ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)

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Selection of Chrysanthemum coreanum in the South-Ural Botanical Garden

Tukhvatullina Lenvera A., South-Ural Botanical Garden-Institute of the Ufa Federal Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences

In article results of selection work on creation of new sorts of Chrysanthemum coreanum in Ufa botanical garden are explained, descriptions of 10 local new sorts are also provided. Their biometric parameters, decorative indexes and terms of blossoming are specified. The Chrysanthemum genus belong to Asteraceae family. Ch. coreanum – hybrid origin, a perennial plant with reinforced, more or less branched rhizome. The purpose of our selection work consists in creation of local highly decorative sorts for the climatic zone with a good vegetative reproduction, winter hardiness, steady against diseases and to wreckers and the blossoming terms which are keeping within the vegetative period of Bashkortostan. Selection work was carried out by method of the free repollination and the subsequent selection from the received hybrid seedlings of the most perspective forms. As a result of selection work with us the selected 72 candidates for sorts successfully passed the state strain testing. The sorts of Ch. coreanum removed by us fall into to two groups and five classes: I group of simple chrysanthemums – a class 1 single (19), a class 2 semi-terry (47); II group of terry chrysanthemums – a class 4 unbent or hanging down (1), a class 5 flat (4), a class 6 semi-spherical (1). On blossoming terms – early-flowering (blossoming in July – August) make 39 sorts, middle-flowering (at the end of August – September) – 28 sorts, late-flowering (in September – October) – 5 sorts, tall (from 70 to 100 cm) – 12 sorts, the medium-sized (from 40 to 65 cm) – 54 sorts, undersized (from 25 to 35) – 6 sorts.


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