Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Chemistry. Biology. Ecology

ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)

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Developing the Algorithm of Increasing the Destructive Potential of Pseudomonas putida SU12 Native Strain Extracted From Phenol-Contaminated Soils

Ilyina Natalya A., Ulyanovsk State University
Ksenofontova Oksana Yurievna, Saratov State University
Tretyakova Svetlana E., Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov
Tikhomirova Elena I., Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov

The article presents the development of methodological approaches to increasing destructive potential of Pseudomonas putida SU12 native strain extracted from phenol-contaminated soils. The cyclic selective method on gradual increase of phenol concentration in optoelectronics environment in combination with intermediate stage of accumulative culture is described. The authors proposed a discrete, stepwise increase in the concentration of phenol in elective media depending on degree of its destruction. If, following a completed cultivation cycle, the destructive activity was absent or lower than 50%, but the cells remained viable, then in the next cycle, we were did not increase the phenol concentration. If the degree of phenol destruction was equal or over 85% of the starting concentration, then we increased the phenol concentration in the subsequent cycle by 50%. Provided destruction rate 50 to 80%, we were by 25% or less. As a result of such stepwise routine, P.putida SU12 strain was able to reduce phenol concentration in a liquid medium over a time span of 7 days by 92.6% of the starting concentration of 340 mg / l. The developed scheme of the P. putida SU12 strain selection process allowed significant strengthening of its natural destructive potential and its consolidation in its population. The studied strain of the phenol destructor showed no factors of pathogenesis and is native to the Ulyanovsk region. The combination of these features gives the possibility to position P. putida SU12 strain as an effective biological destructor of phenol with high biotechnological potential for developing complex biological preparation.


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