Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Chemistry. Biology. Ecology

ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)

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Express Method for Cefazolin Determination in Small Samples Sensors Planar Potentiometric

Kulapina Elena Grigorievna, Saratov State University
Chanina Viktoria V., Saratov State University

The unmodified and modified by polyaniline and nanoparticles planar potentiometric sensors on the basis of tetradecylammonium associates with a complex silver (I) – cefazolin are created. Optimum ratios of components in carbon-containing ink are established: 30–32% carbon powder, 16–18% polyvinylchloride, 48–50% dibutylphthalate and 1–3% of electrode active compound (EAC). Planar sensors of two types are examined: electrode active compounds, electrode active compound and modifiers were added into in carbon-сontaining ink. Polyaniline (0.3–1.0%), nanoparticles of NiZnFeO and their binary mixtures were used as modifiers. Electroanalytical and operational characteristics of the unmodified and modified planar sensors in cefazolin solutions are estimated. NiZnFeO nanoparticles were the most effective modifier. It is shown that with the introduction of nanoparticles of NiZnFeO to carbon-containing ink leads to increase in the slopes of electrode functions (from 48±4 to 57±3), to a reduction of response time (from 20–25 till 5–10 sec), and to reduce potential drift (from 6–9 to 3–4 mV/day). At the same time intervals of linearity of electrode functions and limits of detection of cefazolin are identical for unmodified and modified (PANI, nanoparticles) sensors. Use of planar sensors for definition of cefazolin in model water solutions and oral fluid is shown.


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