Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Chemistry. Biology. Ecology

ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)

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The Effect of Pollutants on the Intensity of Biofilm Formation by the Strain Vibrio aquamarinus VKPM B-11245

Gildebrant Anastasia V., Southern Federal University
Kushnareva Daria N., Southern Federal University
Kaplina Alina V., Southern Federal University
Mozgovaya Anastasia I., Southern Federal University
Sazykin Ivan S., Southern Federal University
Sazykina Marina A., Southern Federal University

Most microorganisms in natural conditions exist in the form of biofilms. Due to this fact, the question of research of various substances influence on their formation process is relevant. This article presents data on the influence of various groups of pollutants, such as antibiotics (ampicillin, oxytetracycline), antiseptics (dioxidine, chlorhexidine), herbicides (glyphosate, clopyralid) and salts of heavy metals (CuSO4, HgCl2) in various concentrations on the intensity of biofilm formation by the strain Vibrio aquamarinus VKPM B-11245. To determine the intensity of biofilm formation the method of staining by crystal violet was used. It is shown that within each group of the investigated substances, the individual substances have different effects on biofilms formation. HgCl2 in the concentration of 0.27 ?g/ml has the maximum stimulating effect, and the maximum inhibitory effect was displayed by oxytetracycline (2.5 ?g/ml and 25 ?g/ml) and dioxidine (100 ?g/ml and 1000 ?g/ml), as in these concentrations biofilm formation was not detected.


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