Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Chemistry. Biology. Ecology

ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)

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Total Charge of Chitosan and Chitosan Succinyl Macromolecules Effect on the Stability of Particles of Silver Iodide Sols in Polymer-Colloidal Based Dispersions

Bazunova Marina V., Bashkir State University
Bazunova Anna A., Bashkir State University
Khlobystova Elena S., Bashkir State University
Kulish Elena I., Bashkir State University

Obtaining stable polymer-colloidal dispersions based on watersoluble polymers and inorganic colloidal particles, such as silver iodide sol, followed by removal of the dispersion medium is one of the ways to create hybrid biomedical materials (e.g. films, threedimensional matrices). The current work is devoted to studying the possibility of increasing the stability of polymer-colloidal systems based on silver iodide sols, succinyl chitosan and chitosan polysaccharides by reducing the total charge of macromolecules. It was shown that using particles of silver iodide sols as polymer stabilizers, partially neutralized chitosan and chitosan succinyl were observed to exhibit aggregative stability of the polymer-colloidal system. The absence of the increase in dispersions particles size for a rather long time was the evidence of that. It was found that decrease in the charge of chitosan macromolecules reduced the stability of polymer-colloidal dispersions based on chitosan and silver iodide sols with both positively and negatively charged particles. It was determined that for polymer-colloidal dispersions of succinyl chitosan-sol silver iodide in the case of a sol with negatively charged colloidal particles, the reduction in the charge of the macromolecule decreased the stability of the dispersion, while in the case of a sol with positively charged particles the stability is increased.


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