Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Chemistry. Biology. Ecology

ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)

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Physico-Chemical Principles of Structure Formation of Gypsum Binding Materials

Kuzmina Raisa I., Saratov State University
Yerzhanova Nurgul S., Saratov State University
Kunasheva Zaripa Kh., West Kazakhstan State University named after M. Utemisov

The article shows the results of the study of composite materials obtained by the modification of mineral resources with active mineral components, which is the main direction in the production of new materials of high quality. In this work, binding materials were obtained on the basis of construction gypsum and carbonate drilling sludge, which is a retarder of the setting time as well. The physical and chemical properties, the structure of the system, and the phase influence of the modifier on the structure and hardening of the obtained new materials were investigated. The analysis of research results showed that increasing the filling rate of construction gypsum led to decrease in its water absorption, whereas water-holding capacity and humidity increased, which allowed us to get binders with good water resistance. The introduction of drilling cuttings into the composite composition allowed us to obtain a smooth surface of the samples, the structure of which is defect-free and as dense as possible due to the polyfractional composition of the sludge, which contributed to the creation of the structure of the matrix phase of the binder. The thermodynamic characteristics of the hydration process of semi-aqueous gypsum were also studied.

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