Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Chemistry. Biology. Ecology

ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)

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“Electronic tongue” multi-systems for the separate determination of cefotaxime and cefazoline

Kulapina Elena Grigorievna, Saratov State University
Dubasova Anastasia Е., Saratov State University
Kulapina Olga Ivanovna, Saratov State Medical University
Ankina Vlada D., Saratov State Medical University

. Electroanalytical properties of unmodified and modified by polyaniline and by CuO nanoparticles solid-contact potentiometric sensors which are based on associates of tetradecylammonium with complex compounds of silver (I) with cephuroxime, cephotaxime and cephazoline Ag(?-lac)2TDA in solutions of corresponding antibiotics were studied. It was revealed that Ag(?-lac)2TDA –based sensors had no specificity to the basic ion but showed sensitivity to other cephalosporins. Taking into account the potentiometric selectivity coefficients and cross-sensitivity parameters of sensors based on different electrode-active components, their use for creating «electronic tongue» multi-sensor systems was shown. Arrays of low-selective potentiometric sensors were created for separate determination of cephazoline and cephotaxime in two-component model mixtures at concentration intervals of 2,5·10-4 – 0,01 М. The method of artificial neural networks was used for processing analytical signals (the relative error of determination not exceeding 13%). 

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