Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Chemistry. Biology. Ecology

ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)

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Stress signals of water scavenger beetles Berosus frontifoveatus Kuwert, 1888 and Berosus spinosus Steven, 1808 (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae)

Rodionova Elena Yurievna, All-Russian Research Institute of Biological Plant Protection
Sazhnev Alexey Sergeevich, I.D. Papanin Institute for biology of inland waters Russian Academy of Sciences
Kustov Semen Yurievich, Kuban State University
Miroliubov Alexey Alexandrovich, Zoological Institute

The study of acoustic signals from various representatives of insects, and in particular coleopterans, has a long history. In the Russian-language literature, systematic, faunistic and ecological studies on aquatic beetles, including those on the family Hydrophilidae, are widely known; however, studies on the bioacoustics of the coleopteran group are quite rare. The aim of our study was to study stress signals of two species of Hydrophilidae – Berosus frontifoveatus Kuwert, 1888 and Berosus spinosus Steven, 1808. The sounds of adults were recorded using a Behringer ECM8000 measuring condenser microphone. The sounds of B. spinosus males have a maximum frequency of occurrence in the range of 3729.31–4013.75 Hz, sounds of B. frontifoveatus is 4895.42–5842.76 Hz. The sounds of B. spinosus females have a maximum frequency of occurrence between 2585.98 and 2807.82 Hz. The sounds of B. frontifoveatus females have a maximum performance of the dominant frequency in the range of 2745.21–3476.23 Hz

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